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What is Your New Year Resolution?

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SerecomputingUser is offline now
PM [37]
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I hope you guys have celebrated the new year or maybe celebrating today.

Well, it is a natural process that people dream about something but there are a few who work to achieve their dream. The process of thinking is short but the path is always long.
"Satisfaction" is merely a word that has no meaning in real life. No one is satisfied. "The desire to get more" is never-ending. And with this process of thinking of achieving something, many people stuck their life in daydreaming only.

But still, people stand up once again and start working for their dreams and everyone's checkpoints may be different but usually, people think that they will do something good or different in the coming year i.e. New Year.

1. So, you also have something like a resolution to share with us for 2021?
2. Are you satisfied with your life? If yes, that's great. And if not, you can share here the reason for that.
3. What was your dream/aim to become and what you are now? If different then what was the reason for that?
4. Are you only living your life not enjoying it?
5. Are you still waiting for some magic will happen and things will go right away without the much effort that is actually needed in that.

You can include these questions while giving answers.

2 ❤:

Mr.Love ™User is not available now
[PM 1]
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Status : Super Owner

Actually I am wondering how beautiful it is to read this post in my mothertongue, google understood you well.
Now let me get back to the topic.
As I sais you earlier my dream is to get a permanent job and then only I can enjoy my life well, I will keep learning this year for the future and continue my lonely life.
1 ❤:
sanjayshwetaUser is not available now
[PM 1336]
Rank : ** PC ExperT **
Status : VIP

1. So, you also have something like a resolution to share with us for 2021?
2. Are you satisfied with your life? If yes, that's great. And if not, you can share here the reason for that.
3. What was your dream/aim to become and what you are now? If different then what was the reason for that?
4. Are you only living your life not enjoying it?
5. Are you still waiting for some magic will happen and things will go right away without the much effort that is actually needed in that.

1. Actually i'm planing to obtain promotion this yr.
2. I'm in search of FF script so that i'll have my own web site like FF
SerecomputingUser is not available now
[PM 37]
Rank : image
Status : VIP


there will be no benefit if you succeed in making a forum like ff.. from where you will get the users like me ? -----------------
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Keywords:resolution, celebrated, celebrating, natural, process, people, something, achieve, thinking, always, satisfaction, merely, meaning, satisfied, desire, ending,
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