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How to create post on Frendz4m?

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sankalan06User is offline now
PM [4283]
Rank : Newbie
Status : Member

I have searched every posts , but there is no proper guidance of how to create meaningful posts on this platform. It would be great if all share their inputs on it .

Mr.Love ™User is not available now
[PM 1]
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Status : Super Owner

Currently there is no such tutorial available in forum. It is easy to create topics or articles. You should see the rules and regulations section as there are lot of tips and features that you can use in your articles. Such as color codes and other tags.
For creating a topic or article just find the relevant section that suits your topic. If no such section you may post it in general section. As you have created this topic you already know how to create a topic. Now you can make it better by using different tags and images. For that you may add image to your post and use smiles
A help thread is available below. May be someone will create a good tutorial with screenshots in the future.

sankalan06User is not available now
[PM 4283]
Rank : Newbie
Status : Member

Thanks a lot. This was really helpful
JadeUser is not available now
[PM 3990]
Rank : Beginner
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This is cool bro
MrNobodyUser is not available now
[PM 4323]
Rank : Average Member
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Commenting on the thread is known as post
aetherion11User is not available now
[PM 7042]
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Keywords:create, frendz4m, searched, proper, guidance, meaningful, platform, inputs,
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