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Dr. Stress Reliever - Are you stressed? Come here, let us talk. Online advisors, friends for you

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Relieve Stress | Tension

Hi, welcome to the stress reliever online discussion.
The modern world is full of competitions and challenges, sometimes we feel that we can't overcome things alone. May be it is from your own partner, home, family, work place, friends, society or from within yourself.

Everyone will feel stress, not just me and you. Stress can be positive when we see the final result, if you have an exam and don't have any stress, then there is a little chance you give focus on it. Stress in this situation is the attention you give to the target, which is your examination. Coping up with stress is a core skill in the words of World Health Organization(WHO).
Stress creates a non equilibrium state which force us for an action. If we take an appropriate action then the stress will be removed and the equilibrium will be back. So the approach is needed.
If we don't take any action sometimes the results will lead us to more intensive stress or we may lose certain goals.
Some stress initially may not seem as goal oriented, but there will be some intention or unwanted state. We are not talking about blood pressure here, but you know it also have some inner issues.

Relieving stress is important by creating a good plan to remove the obstructions. Since most contemporary people will feel similar stress as they are sharing the same space in the world. I hope some of the great people will be able to guide us through this discussion.

--------- Post edited by - Mr.Love
--------- Post edited by - Mr.Love

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Keywords:stress, reliever, stressed, online, advisors, friends, relieve, tension, welcome, discussion, modern, competitions, challenges, sometimes, overcome, things,
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