## 50 MCQs on Irregular Verbs with Answers
Choose the best answer for each multiple-choice question.
1. The past tense of "go" is:
a) goed b) gone c) went d) goed
Answer: c) went*2. She _______ to the market yesterday.
a) goes b) go c) went d) gone
Answer: c) went*
3. The past participle of "eat" is:
a) eat b) ate c) eaten d) eated
Answer: c) eaten*4. He has _______ all the cake.
a) eat b) ate c) eaten d) eated
Answer: c) eaten*
5. They _______ swimming this morning.
a) go b) went c) gone d) goes
Answer: b) went*6. The present participle of "see" is:
a) seen b) saw c) seeing d) sees
Answer: c) seeing*
7. I _______ a bird yesterday.
a) see b) saw c) seen d) seeing
Answer: b) saw*8. She has _______ the movie already.
a) see b) saw c) seen d) seeing
Answer: c) seen*
9. The past tense of "begin" is:
a) began b) begin c) begun d) beginned
Answer: a) began*10. They _______ the project last week.
a) begun b) began c) begin d) beginned
Answer: b) began*
11. He has _______ his work.
a) begin b) began c) begun d) beginned
Answer: c) begun*12. The past tense of "drink" is:
a) drink b) drank c) drunk d) drunken
Answer: b) drank*
13. I _______ a glass of water.
a) drink b) drank c) drunk d) drunken
Answer: b) drank*14. She has _______ all the juice.
a) drink b) drank c) drunk d) drunken
Answer: c) drunk*
15. The past participle of "come" is:
a) came b) come c) coming d) comes
Answer: b) come*16. They _______ to the party late.
a) came b) come c) coming d) comes
Answer: a) came*
17. He has _______ home.
a) came b) come c) coming d) comes
Answer: b) come*18. The past tense of "give" is:
a) gave b) give c) given d) gived
Answer: a) gave*
19. She _______ me a present.
a) gave b) give c) given d) gived
Answer: a) gave*20. He has _______ the book to the library.
a) gave b) give c) given d) gived
Answer: c) given*
21. The past tense of "take" is:
a) taked b) took c) taken d) take
Answer: b) took*22. He _______ the bus to school.
a) taked b) took c) taken d) take
Answer: b) took*
23. She has _______ the exam.
a) taked b) took c) taken d) take
Answer: c) taken*24. The past tense of "speak" is:
a) speak b) spoke c) spoken d) speaked
Answer: b) spoke*
25. He _______ to me yesterday.
a) speak b) spoke c) spoken d) speaked
Answer: b) spoke*26. She has _______ to the manager.
a) speak b) spoke c) spoken d) speaked
Answer: c) spoken*
27. The past tense of "write" is:
a) wrote b) written c) write d) writed
Answer: a) wrote*28. I _______ a letter to my friend.
a) wrote b) written c) write d) writed
Answer: a) wrote*
29. He has _______ the report.
a) wrote b) written c) write d) writed
Answer: b) written*30. The past tense of "break" is:
a) break b) broke c) broken d) breake
Answer: b) broke*
31. The window _______ last night.
a) break b) broke c) broken d) breake
Answer: b) broke*32. The vase has _______ into pieces.
a) break b) broke c) broken d) breake
Answer: c) broken*
33. The past tense of "choose" is:
a) choosed b) chose c) chosen d) choose
Answer: b) chose*34. She _______ a red dress.
a) choosed b) chose c) chosen d) choose
Answer: b) chose*
35. They have _______ their careers.
a) choosed b) chose c) chosen d) choose
Answer: c) chosen*36. The past tense of "know" is:
a) knowed b) know c) known d) knew
Answer: d) knew*
37. I _______ him for many years.
a) knowed b) know c) known d) knew
Answer: d) knew*38. She has _______ the answer all along.
a) knowed b) know c) known d) knew
Answer: c) known*
39. The past tense of "fly" is:
a) flyed b) flied c) flown d) flew
Answer: d) flew*40. The birds _______ away.
a) flyed b) flied c) flown d) flew
Answer: d) flew*
41. He has _______ to London.
a) flyed b) flied c) flown d) flew
Answer: c) flown*42. The past tense of "do" is:
a) doed b) done c) did d) doo
Answer: c) did*
43. I _______ my homework yesterday.
a) doed b) done c) did d) doo
Answer: c) did*44. They have _______ their best.
a) doed b) done c) did d) doo
Answer: b) done*
45. The past tense of "see" is:
a) seed b) seen c) saw d) seed
Answer: c) saw*46. The past participle of "become" is:
a) became b) become c) becoming d) becomes
Answer: b) become*
47. He has _______ a doctor.
a) became b) become c) becoming d) becomes
Answer: b) become*48. The past tense of "wear" is:
a) wear b) wore c) worn d) weared
Answer: b) wore*
49. She _______ a red dress to the party.
a) wear b) wore c) worn d) weared
Answer: b) wore*50. He has _______ that shirt many times.
a) wear b) wore c) worn d) weared
Answer: c) worn**
This provides a good range of common irregular verbs and their forms. Remember to practice using these verbs in different sentence structures to solidify your understanding.