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Kankana Ranaut - Bollywood Actress Account Suspended By Twitter

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Twitter on Tuesday permanently suspended actor Kangana Ranaut’s account following a series of controversial tweets over the prevailing situation in West Bengal, which triggered sharp reactions on social media.
“We’ve been clear that we will take strong enforcement action on behaviour that has the potential to lead to offline harm. The referenced account has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of Twitter Rules specifically our Hateful Conduct policy and Abusive Behaviour policy. We enforce the Twitter Rules judiciously and impartially for everyone on our service.” A Twitter spokesperson said.
In reply to the action Kankana pointed that "Twitter has only proved my point they are Americans and by birth, a white person feels entitled to enslave a brown person, they want to tell you what to think, speak or do. Fortunately I have many platforms I can use to raise my voice including my own art in the form of cinema but my heart goes out to the people of this nation who have been tortured, enslaved and censored for thousands of years and still their is no end to the suffering."

The reason for the Twitter account suspension of Kangana Ranaut

She has tweeted controversial tweets like this through his handle kanganateam.
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Chalo acha hi hua Bahut bolti thi
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Over confidence..
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Wkwkw apa ini? Memang dunia itu kejam
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she totally needs to be banned
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OVerconfidence at its finest - here comes trump number 2
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Keywords:kankana, ranaut, bollywood, actress, account, suspended, twitter, tuesday, permanently, kangana, following, series, controversial, tweets, prevailing,
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