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ƒƒ *::??MEGA SMS THREAD?? ƒƒ *::

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[PM 20]
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→ I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I Smile & Seem Carefree,
There is no one Who misses you more than ME!

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[PM 20]
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→ I heard some whisper ur name,but when i turned around 2 see u who it was , i notice i was alone, i realized it was my heart telling me that

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[PM 20]
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→ when i close my eyes before sleeping i watch u in the dark,
When im sleeping i watch u in my dreams, When i open my eyes i found u before my eyes..And then I start Missing u for all the Day..

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[PM 20]
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→ I miss you in every beats of heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of time and
In every moment of the Day !

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[PM 20]
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→ Door of memories will never close.
How much we miss our dears no one knows.
Days will pass like years,
and we will remember
the memories in silent tears.

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[PM 20]
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→ Sometimes missing is more precious
than being together.
Becoz we miss only those
whom we don’t want to miss

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→ In My Lyf..I learned how 2 smile.How 2 Laugh.How 2 HardWork.How 2 Love.How 2 cry..but i neva learned how 2 stop MISSING YOU…em

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→ I liked lots of people and missed very few,
but no one has been as special as you!
I’d stand and wait in the world’s longest que
just for pleasure of being with you!

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[PM 20]
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→ Some things are left undone, some words are left unsaid, some feelings are left unexpressed,
but someone as sweet as you could never be left unmissed.

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[PM 20]
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→ When nights are long and friends are few.
I sit by my window and think of you.
A silent whisper and a silent tear.
With all my heart I wish you were here.

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[PM 20]
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→ I am in casualty now, don’t say I didn’t tell you. After 5 minutes, I will be transfered to ICU. Doctor told,
I will die if I don’t STOP.. Missing You

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[PM 20]
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→ Am simple BYE make us cry, A simple JOKE make us laugh, simple CARE make us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS make you think of me.
I miss you.

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[PM 20]
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→ A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you.
A call for you means I’m missing you.

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[PM 20]
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→ My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u, my arms r empty coz I can’t hold u, my lips are cold coz I can’t kiss u & my heart is breaking coz
I’m not with u.

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→ I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh, but I never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry.
Miss you.

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[PM 20]
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→ There’s no Special reason for this msg, I just wanna steal a single moment out of ur busy life &
hope I can make u smile n say: I Miss U.

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[PM 20]
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→ Take good care of yourself, friend.
We hope to see you up and
running and back at garden again.
The place just isn”t the same without you

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[PM 20]
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→ Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let u go… I
would find a million reasons to make u stay.
.I miss you.

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[PM 20]
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→ When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another
Missing you

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[PM 20]
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→ Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn’t mean I forget u.
I’m just giving u time to Miss me.

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[PM 20]
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→ You are feeling down
and so am i with u NOT around.
Hope you get back in
the swing of things real soon.

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[PM 20]
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→ What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I
Miss U!

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[PM 20]
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→ People say that
any number multiplied by zero it become zero,
then why doesn’t the same happen
when I multiply zero with

the distance between you and me

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[PM 20]
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→ Ur the one i love.the one I need.but bad mistakes Ive done indeed.
in search for forgivness and happyness too.I want to say that I love u

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→ As we go on we rememba all d times we had 2gether.
as our life changes cum whateva we will still be “friends forever”

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→ I’d climd the highest mountain.I’d swim the ocean blue I’d do anything at all my dear-
Just to get away from you.

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→ Wen life changes & we go our separate wayz.u will still be in my heart til my dyin dayz.
i tell no lie dis is true.da world has nva seen a freind like u.

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→ Wen life changes & we go our separate wayz.u will still be in my heart til my dyin dayz.
→ So btween da miles & btween da years ts inevitable but its true.dat seasons may change &
people may change but my heart always belonged 2 u!

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→ i no u think dat u broke my heart but i knew ur game rite from da start.
i saw ur game and played it 2 so look here playa da jokes on u!

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→ Remember me and bare in mind A faithful girl is hard to find This is always good and true So dont
go changing old for new!

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→ Weve gone our own way our lives grew apart & weve made a life wiv another..
but despite of how far apart we grew 2 me there still is no other!

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→ i luved u once u luved me not.i luved u twice but i 4got.
u neva luv me u neva will but even so i luv u still.

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[PM 20]
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→ I miss u wen ur far away.I think about u every nite & day.Even if we cant b 2gether.
I will miss u now & forever!

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[PM 20]
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→ Wot u see as truth wot u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies..
although we may change & drift apart,ill always value u deep within my heart!

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[PM 20]
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→ i hide my tears when i say your name but the pain in my heart is stil the same.though i smile and seem carefree theres no1 who misses u more than me!!

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[PM 20]
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→ It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone & a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone

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[PM 20]
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→ It is very special today to say good night
because it is last night of the year.
I wish that God also forgive
all of our sins and mistakes.
So that we enter new year in refined and innocent form.
Good night.

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→ On this night as i lie on my bed,i just cant stop thinking about u my LOVE.May
u have a blessed & a beatiful

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→ Hide my tears when I say your name,
But the pain in my heart is still the same.
Although I smile & seem carefree,
There’s no one who miss you more than me.
Good Night & Sweet Dream

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[PM 20]
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→ Close your eyes,
Concentrate your mind &
Pray to god about the things
That you want most.
GOD must fulfill your prayer…
Have a nice sleep…

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→ G-o to bed O-ff the lights O-ut of tensions
D-reams come N-ice sleep I-gnore worries
G-et up early H-ave a nice day T-hank God always

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[PM 20]
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→ I wish that God would hold u tight.
I hope that angels will keep u in site.
Now just2make sure u feel all rite,
I’m gonna wish u a wonderful Night!

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→ As night falls upon the land,
it is time to sleep again.
With the moon hanging in the starlit sky,
I am here to wish you Night Night!
Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight

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→ In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur
stress N the
twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams G00d NIGHT!

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→ I wish that God would hold you tite. i hope that angels will
keep you in site. Now just to make sure you feel all rite, I”m
gonna wish you a wonderful night! sleep tite!!

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→ sleepy msg for a sleepy person from a sleepy
friend for a sleepy reason at a sleepy time on the sleepy day in
a sleepy mood to say please sleep”gud night”

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→ Remember that each time u fall ..
I’ll nvr let u reach the ground..
Trust me..il always be around.gudnight

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[PM 20]
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→ Black sky with solo moon
with millions of stars
brings you a silent hours
to take a nice rest.
Enjoy the whole night.
Good Night

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[PM 20]
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Everybody knows how to love, but only a few people know how to stay in love with one person for a very long period of time.

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No one is too young for love, because love doesn’t come from your mind, which knows your age, but from your heart, which
knows no age.

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The words “I Love You” are not for everyone to say from their mouth to their beloved one. It’s a feeling that you can whisper to each other from heart to heart without saying it aloud.

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→ As a final incentive before giving up a difficult task,

try to imagine it succeessfully accompliced by someone you voilently hate

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→ There is no substitute for hard work.

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→ Duty pays you. Safety saves you.


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→ Take time to look- it is price of success


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→ Take time to think-it is a source of power


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→ Take time to read-it is a source of wisdom

→ Take time to read-it is a source of wisdom

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→ Take time to be friendly-it is a way of happiness

→ Take time to be friendly-it is a way of happiness

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→ Between two evils, choose neither. Between two goods, choose both

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→ The shortest way to do many thing is to do a single thing at a time.

→ The shortest way to do many thing is to do a single thing at a time.

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→ Think you are well, and all that is well with you. And nature will read your thoughts and make them true

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→ Be true to yourself and others. Do not try to appear better or greater than what you are.

→ Be true to yourself and others. Do not try to appear better or greater than what you are.

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→ Troubles which are tackled instead of being talkedabout, dissappear like mist before the morning sun

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→ Undertake not what you cannot perform but be careful to keep your promise.

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→ Forget injuries, but never forget kindness

→ Forget injuries, but never forget kindness

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When you love, you get hurt. When you get hurt,you hate. When you hate, you try to forget. When you try to forget, you start missing. And when you start missing… you’ll eventually fall in Love again…

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If you love someone then you love all of them. Not just the good things. Support them and be there for them. Flaws and all.

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The best love is the one that makes you a better person. without changing you into someone other than yourself

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The greatest distance in the world is just 14 inches… From the mind to the heart… It’s most difficult to manage the balance between them.

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Lifetime Truth of Love No matter how you behave with people around you. They will love you according to their need and mood…!!

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Do not put conditions on the love that you give. Accept people the way they are do not expect and demant that people fit your mold before you love them.

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Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dumb it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.

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Love is not only about romance candle-lit dinners and walking hand in had. In fact, real love is about a life time of compromise, commitment and trust.

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Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but regret can last for a lifetime

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Love means that you accept a person with all their failures stupidities, ugly points and nonetheless, you see perfection, in imperfection itself.

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Love doesn’t need a reason. Pure love will come from the heart without reason and stay every season.

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I love you. Time will not change this as I know it will not change your love for me. I can not ask for anything more than your love becasue I never thought I would ever receive as much as I have with you. Be My Big Love.

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I don’t want the perfect relationship, because perfect is impossible, I want trustworthy, honest, loyal and love. I love imprefections. I don’t want perfect. I want worth it.

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When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it. You just slowly learn how to go on without them. But always keeping them tucked safely in your heart.

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Loving someone doesn’t need a reason. If you can expalin why you love someone, it’s not called LOVE it’s called LIKE

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Love is not about how many days, months or years you’ve been together. Love is about how much you love each other every day

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A man can love a million gurls, but only a real man can love one girl in a million ways.

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Sometimes, when you love someone very much you have to go through every TEAR every HEARTACHE every PAIN… Because in the end… It’s not how you love but how much you HOLD ON.

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I’m scared of looking at you. Because the more I do… The more I fall in love with you.

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No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. No one falls our of love by chance, it is by choice.

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The person who loves you more will fight with you daily without any reason. But whenever you’re sad that person will fight with the world to end your sadness.

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No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. No one falls our of love by chance, it is by choice.

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Love Is Like A Joke Sometimes it’s fun but sometimes it hurts.

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→ “Anger is the only evil which makes love invisible for a minute.
And love is the only suspicious thing which is visible even after anger.

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→ Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people.

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→ If you would cure anger, do not feed it. Say to yourself: ‘I used to be angry every day; then every other day; now only every third or fourth day.’ When you reach thirty days offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the gods.

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→ An angry husband returned home one night to find his wifein bed with a naked man. ‘What are you doing’ he shouted.To which his wife said to her lover ‘See, I told you he was stupid’

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→ ANGER is an acid that does more harm to the vessel in which it is stored, that to anything on which it is poured.

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→ Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

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→ There is nothing more galling to angry people than the coolness of those on whom they wish to vent their spleen.

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→ If you’re angry at a loved one, hug that person. And mean it. You may not want to hug – which is all the more reason to do so. It’s hard to stay angry when someone shows they love you, and that’s precisely what happens when we hug each other.

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→ A wife comes home unexpectedly one day and finds her husband in bed with a lady midget. Upset and furious over his actions, the woman screams, “You promised me two weeks ago that you would never cheat on me again!” Tryinghis best to calm her down, the husband turns to his wife and says, “Take it easy Dear, Can’t you see I’m trying to taper off?”

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→ Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before – it takes something from him.

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→ Do something that makes a difference – because, by God, there’s a lot to make you angry.

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→ It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.

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→ Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account.

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→ God made daylight n called it the SUN.
God made entertainment n called it FUN.
God made nightlight n called it the MOON.
God made U n called CARTOON.

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→ How to catch a squirrel?
Climb up a tree and just be yourself.
Squirrels will come to you on their own.
Because they just love NUTS .

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→ I am a dog and u r a flower,
so let me lift my leg n give u a shower!

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→ If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

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→ I feel the anger rize up in me
The same anger
That makes me bleed
In my heart and in my soul
Killing me.

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→ I wanted to send u something nice that would make u smile but the postman told me to get out of the mailbox!

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→ This message was sent exclusively for the handsome and the beautiful. We have obviously sent it to the wrong number.We are truly sorry for the inconvenience

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→ Ur cute gorgeous fine & dandy.really sexy u make me randy.ur good wiv ur mouth & also in bed …oops sorry wrong number 4get wot I said!

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→ I saw sumthing in da shop window 2day.It was stunning sexy cute beautiful & adorable.I was supposed 2buy it4u till i realised it was my own REFLECTION

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→ Those innocent eyes… Those kissable lips… A great smile… The perfect walk… Smoothest talk… Absolutely gorgeous.. Thats enough bout me-How r u?

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→ You’re Attractive Gorgeous Sexy Intelligent Smart Charming Sophisticated Fit Kind & Generous. In fact you’re becoming more like me everyday

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→ Uve got sex appeal.uve got style.uve got intelligence.uve got class.uve got the face & uve got the body & ive got the wrong number!

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→ Im not under d affluence of incohol as some tinkle peep.Im not half as thunk as u drink.I fool so feelish and da drunker i stand here da longer i get

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→ Last night i wanted to send u a msg, but all i could write was: “noh ss!w !”. it didn’t make much sense until i read it upside down…

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→ MEN-opause MEN-strual pain MEN-tal illness GUY-necologist HIS-terectomy EVER NOTICED HOW WOMENS PROBLEMS START WITH MEN??

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→ Pls remind me 2 remind u about remindin me to send u dis reminder oh dat reminds me can u remind me wot the reminder was ive forgot!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ Piss the taking is someone that realise u this like times at its! NOW READ IT BACKWARDS!!

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Hello!Im a little alien called Ted.I have taken the form of a mobile phone- your phone.And during this message I have been having sex with your thumb!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ This cat is cat a cat good cat way cat to cat keep cat a cat idiot cat buzy cat for cat 20 cat seconds cat! NOW READ IT WITHOUT SAYIN CAT!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ A)Ur Attractive Ur Buff C)Ur Charmin D)Ur Delicious E)Ur Excitin F)Ur Funny G)Ur Gorgeous H)Ur Heavenly I)Im J)Just K)Kiddin L)Loser!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ Wot letters r missin in H__RT? EA or U? Pick EA & u get a heart!if u pick U,u will get hurt! I’d pick U coz it’s better to get hurt than have a heart without U!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ if u notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing!!!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give their vacuum one more chance?

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give their vacuum one more chance?

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.

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→ Don’t steal. That’s the government’s job.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ If I worked at a restaurant on Valentine’s Day I would put a fake engagement ring in every girl’s drink.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ If you ever get caught sleeping on the job… slowly raise your head and say “in jesus name amen”

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ I’m playing that game where the floor is made of lava, so I obviously can’t get off the couch or I’ll die.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ From now on I will be doing my laundry while nude. This way when I’m done, I will truly be finished washing all of my clothes.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Scientists have yet to explain how 300 people can be working at a Wal-Mart but only 4 registers will be open.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you’ve made up your mind that you just aren’t doing anything productive for the rest of the day.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ If you have a shitty job, you probably shouldn’t lick your fingers at lunch time.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage: Management.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ I always try to go the extra mile at work, but my boss always finds me and brings me back.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ It’s not how good your work is, it’s how well you explain it.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Do you want to speak to the manager or someone who know’s what’s going on?

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Archeologist: someone whose carreer lies in ruins.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Frndshp is nt a word,
Nt merely a relatnshp.
Itz a silent promise sayin,
”I was”,”I am”&”I wll b”…Your sides

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Best lines said by a friend
“I cannot promise to solve all ur problems
I can only promise that
I will never let u face them alone”

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Agar Itni Pyari Sòch Tumhari Na Hòi,
Mulakat Tumse Humari Na Kabhi Hòti,
Tadapte Rahte Sachhe Dòst Ke Liye,
Agar Dòsti Tumse Humari Na Hui Hòti.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Beautiful friendship Saying:
“Life can give us a number of Beautiful Friends!”
“Only True Friends can give us a Beautiful Life…!!”

One of my true friend is ‘U’

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Status : Head Admin

Alone I can say bt 2gthr v can chat,
Alone I can smile bt 2gthr we cn laugh,
Alone I can live bt 2gthr we cn celebrate.
Dis is d magic of r frdship.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

If you angry with ur lovable friend, Just put aside your egos
Just hug each other and say:
I need u idiot at least to fight with me…

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

LIFE changes frm
Childhood 2 Younghood
Clasroom 2 Office
Books 2 Files
Jeans 2 Formal
Pocketmoney 2 Salary
Grlfrnd 2 Wife
Lekin saale dost kbhi nahi badalte
Kamine k kamine rhte hai

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

A friend is what the heart needs all the time.

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[PM 20]
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One loyal friend is worth 10,000 relatives.

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Status : Head Admin

The sincere friends of this world are as ship lights in the stormiest of nights. - Giotto di Bondone

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Din Aate Hai, Din Jate Hai
Kuch Lamhe Aap K Bin Guzar Nahi Pate Hai
Inhi Lamho Ko Samet K Dekhu To
Aap Jaise Nalayak Dost Bahot Yaad Aate Hai

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Teri dosti hum is tarah nibhayenge,
Tum roz khafa hona hum roz manayenge,
Par man jana manane se,
Warna yeh bhigi palkein le ke hum kaha jayenge…

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Yahi to khoobsurat dosti ka nata he
Jo bina kisi shart ke jiya jata he
Rahe duriyan darmiyan to parwaah nai
Dost to harpal dil me basaya jaata he

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Dosti ki keemat kabhi adaa nahi hoti.
Acchi Dosti kabhi juda nahi hoti.
Aap ki ada par mar mite hai warna
yuhi hamari dosti kisi par fida nahi hoti.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

I m mirror
“Tum mujhe dekh kr hasoge to mai bi hasaonga,
rowge to mai bi rownga,
BT tum mujhe maroge to mai nhi marunga mai to tut jaunga”.
Dat’s friendship.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Jinke dosti me ham divane ho gaye
vo ham se begane ho gaye
shayad unko tlash hai nay dost ki
ab unke najar me ham purane ho gaye..

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Hasna Hasana Kisiko Gwara Nhi Hota
Har Musafir Jindgi Ka Shara Nahi Hota
Milte He Log Is Tanha Zindgi Me Par
Har Dost Tumsa Pyara Ni Hota

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Sabse alag sabse nayare ho aap
Tareef kabhi puri na ho itne pyare ho aap
aaj pata chala ki zamena q jalta hai humse
Qki dost to akhir hamre ho aap

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

KHUDA ne 1 ful uthaya,
Use sweet water mai bhigoya
Use pyar se sahlaya or is tarh apko banaya,
Fir GOD ne muje diya or kaha,”SPECIAL FRND JUST 4U”

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Kuch rishte "RAB" banata hai,
Kuch rishte "LOG" banate hain,
Par kuch log bina kisi rishte ke rishte nibhate hai
Shayad wo hi "DOST" kehlate h

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

~;;~ Sweet friendship sms in hindi for your best friend ~;;~

zindagi me 4 baate jo tumhara sath kabhi nhi chodengi
1. dil ki dhadkan
2. parchhayi
3. khushiyan
4. ek us se Rishta, jiska aap sms padh rahe ho samjhe.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Apki lovely lovely "FELLING" ne,
Mere charming charming "HEART" ko itna "EFECT" kiya,
Menie sabko "REJECT" karke apko apna Special "FRIEND" accept kiya .

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

A best friend isn't someone who's just always there for you. It's someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

A true friend sees
The first tear;
Catches the second;
And stops the third!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Some friendships are like Tom and Jerry.
They tease each other;
Knock down each other;
Irritate each other;
But can't live without each other!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

A true friend is an angel sent by God;
He stands by your side through the good as well as the bad;

And loves you when you don't love yourself.
Dear friend, thanks for being my lifeline!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Vo dil kya jo milane ki dua na kare,
Tumhen bhulakar jioo yah khuda na kare,
Rahe teri dosti meri jindagaani banakar,
Yah baat aur hai jindagi wapha na kare|

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Ice is cold can t be hold, friendship is gold can t be sold,
Rose is a flower that lives 4 an hour, but frndship is a power that lives 4ever.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

A friend is one who knows all about you.
One who understands your smile and tears.
One who multiplies joys and divides griefs.
One who brings out the best version of you.
One who love you just the way you are.
One who cheer you up, never leave your side, come what may.

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[PM 20]
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A friend will be a friend in times of all kinds.

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[PM 20]
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A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Teachers r Hot Water, Parents r Mineral Water,
Enemies r Salt Water, Lover is Ice Water But,Friends rBEER BOTTLE...
Khusi ho ya gam, de sath har dam.

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Status : Head Admin

It's exciting when you find parts of yourself in someone else. ~ Annaka Silvia

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

"A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies."
Aristotle, as quoted in The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Some friends are like a Flower.
and when they finally bloom they wilt away
in just one day
and some times just by noon.
Some friends are like a cloudy day
and when the sun's in sight.
it gets blocked by the grayest cloud

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

There's nothing in the world that can compare to the stomach ache you get from laughing too hard with your besties.

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[PM 20]
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"Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected."~Charles Lamb

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“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”
—Charles Caleb Colton

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[PM 20]
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“Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.”

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“Stay is a charming word in a friend’s vocabulary.”

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[PM 20]
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If you have one friend who understands you on your level of crazy, one friend is all you will ever need.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

Humari Galtiyo Se Kahi Tut Na Jana,
Humari Shrarat Se Kahi Ruth Na Jana,
Tumhari Dosti Hi Humari Zindagi He,
Is Pyare Se Bandhan Ko Bhul Na Jana

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Dooriyon say fark padhta nahi hai
Baatain to dilon ki nazdikiyon say hoti hai
Dost to kuch khaas aap jaisay hotay hain
Warna mulaqat tu najaney kitnon say hoti hai

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Dosti har chehre ki muskaan hoti hai,
dosti sukh - dukh ki pehchaan hoti hai,
koi rooth jaye to dil pe mat lena,
kyunki dosti zara si nadaan bhi hoti hai

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Duniya Me Bohut Gam Milege
Sach Mano Achhe Dost Kam Milege
Jish Mod Sab Shath Chhod Dege
Us Mod Per Intjaar Karte Hum Milege !

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Aaj dosti par ek kitaab likhenge
Doston k sath gujri har baat likhenge
jab batana ho dost kaisa hota hain
tumhe soch kar har baat likhenge

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Har Koyi Pyar Ke Liye Tarapta Hai…
Har Koyi Pyar Ke Liye Rota Hai….
Meri baat Ko Galat Mat Samajh Na….
Pyar To Dosti Mein Bhi Hota Hai

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Ishq aur dosti meri jindgi ka guman hai..
Ishq meri ruh hai to dosti mera iman hai..
Ishq pe kardu fida saari zindgi..
Magar dosti pe mera ishq kurban hai

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ It’s much easier to turn a friendship into love, than love into friendship.

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[PM 20]
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→ I would never tell someone how to do their job but I don’t think each of the 78 items I purchased at the grocery store needed their own bag

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[PM 20]
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→ Maybe things would improve if we shipped Congress’s jobs overseas too.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ There are two types of people in the world: those who know how to handle stress and those who need bail money.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ My idea of a high stress job is one where you work with other people.

1 ❤:
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[PM 273]
Rank : Premium A/C Expert
Status : Administrator

Only person in the forum who updates SMS thread without fail. Good work bhai. Keep it up.
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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Some people say I’m a dreamer, others say, “If you fall asleep at work again we’re going to have to let you go.

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[PM 20]
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→ I’m either going to do a bank job, or get a job at a bank; but one of those must happen if I’m going to survive this economy!

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[PM 20]
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→ If boredom were a career, I’d be at the top of my field!

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Patience & Silence Are Powerful Energies.
Patience Makes You Mentally Strong.
Silence Makes You Emotionally Strong.
Have A Strong & Healthy Life..!

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ When things go wrong
When sadness fills ur heart
When tears flow in ur eyes
Always remember 3 things
God, ur parents & my best wishes
Best of Luck

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ When my arms can’t reach pple close2 my heart I always hug dem wit my prayers,may Allah grant u wat ur heart desires&keep u happy always. Bundles of PRAYERS 4u.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ May the angels protect you
May the sadness forget you
May happiness B around you
May God bless you forever

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

→ My Best Wishes are for you today, tomorrow and forever

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ God Bless You And Keep You Safe
Not Only Today But Throughout Life
That is coming In Ur Way.
May Year To Follow Be Among
The Best You’ve Ever Spend.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ Every moment of yr life is a pic which u had never seen b4 &
which u will nvr see again so enjoy and live life & make every moment beautyful.

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[PM 20]
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Status : Head Admin

→ May the angels protect U..
May sadness 4get U..
May goodness surround U..
May happiness be round U..
and may God always bless U..!!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Underneath D moon, underneath D stars
Here's a sweet heart just 4 U
Up above D world, up above it all
Here's a hand to hold UR Hand
At Heart all True

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Bindas Muskurao Kya Gum Hai.
Zindgi Me Tension Kisko Kam Hai.
Achchha Ya Bura To Kewal Bhram Hai
Zindagi Ka Nam Hi Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gam Hai.......// best smile sms for WhatsApp

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Kabi pasand na aye mera sms To bta dena dost

Hum dil pe pthar rakh k Tumhe goli mar dnge
/) )
_/ /
Ek to best sms kro upr se nautnki.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

D best thing in lyf is wen Girlfriend gets angry wid u, n say, i wil nvr talk 2 u.
Stil d prsn cums back 2 u juz 2 inform-mai gussa hun.!!

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

As I look back in my life, I Remember Tears i Cried
Jokes I laugh & Things I lost & Missed by
Bt there is 1 best thing I nevr Regret Its D day “JAB WE MET”

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Best SMS for best friend ever:

True friends may not be able to give their life for U.
They can definitely giv ur life back to U, when U think U have lost it.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Unknown call on a guys mobile. A girl speaks. best funny sms 2013
Girl: do u have a girlfriend?
Man: yes who r u?
Girl: your wife jaldi ghar aa kaminey
Another unknown call comes
Girl: do you have a girlfriend?
Man: no who r you?
Girl: your girlfriend you cheat
Man: sorry darling i thought u r my wife
Girl: teri wife hi hoon aaj tu bas ghar aa ja


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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

A lovely thought:

"Death is not the greatest loss in life"
"The greatest loss is when relationship dies between two people while they are still alive"..

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Heart says to eyes "don't see more" because you see & I suffer.
Eye answered to heart "don't think more" because you feel and I cry.
Thats the relation.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

How Beautifull y God Keeps On Adding,
One More Day In Our Life!!
Not Only Because U Need It...
Because Some One Else Need U Everyday..

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Duniya mein sirph Dil hi hai jo
Bina aaraam kiye kaam karta hai,
Isalie use khush rakho chaahe vo
Apana ho ya apanon ka.

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Family Introduction In A Best Way..
Meri Wife Google Bano..
Aik Sawal Pucho 10 Jawab Deti Hai
Mera Beta Whatsapp Raaz..
Jo bhi karta hai kawal Friends, Girlfriend se hi Share karta hai
Aur Meri Beti Twitter Glitter...
Poora Area esa Follow Karta Hai..

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

Dekho mausam kitna suhana hai,Thandi thandi fizao ka aana jana hai,Kuch sms kar liya karo dost,Is balnce se kya apni shaadi ka card chapwana hai?

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky. What am I without you, that is why I tell you … I love you

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

The sky is full of golden stars shining in the light of the moon, but the most beautiful light I see is in your eyes …

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[PM 20]
Rank : Head-Admin
Status : Head Admin

When a heart is the sign of love ,and red the colour …and when walking around with your head in the clouds means that one is in love..Why do I draw a line in blue and am I only thinking of you ?

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When a heart is the sign of love ,and red the colour …and when walking around with your head in the clouds means that one is in love..Why do I draw a line in blue and am I only thinking of you ?

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There Were Times You Make Me Cry… Looking 4 A Reason Why… There Were Times You Make Me Fly…Stay With Me Until I Die…Stay With Me…

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There are a lot of birds wispering only about you, you should once listen to them, then you would know how much I love you.

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The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you love.

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Never Let Love gets the best of you…! But U should always try to get the… BEST OF LOVE…!!

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Love is seeing Yourself in someone’s eyes And finding yourself in Somebody’s heart…!!!

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Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance.. and you find out.. you still care for the person…!!

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It hurts to see the one you love walk away. But what really hurts the most is when they let you believe that they loved you but they really never did..

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If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin’them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever…

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I miss you so, here around me, so many people, but yet so alone. I miss your lips, your lovely smile, I miss you each day more and more!

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I don’t wanna feel the way that I do, I just wanna be right here with you, I don’t wanna see, see us apart, I just wanna say straight from my heart I miss you

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Love is hard and will always be, but remember somebody loves you and that one is ME !

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Loving you could take my life, but when I look into your eyes, I know you’re worth that sacrafice!

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Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams !

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Theres a warmth in my heart. It haunts me when you’re gone. Mend me to your side and never let go. The more I live The more I know, what’s simple is true, I love you.

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Love under the stars… they seem very far, but you are so close the star I love the most.

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I feel something in my heart, it’s like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…

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Somethings can be left undone…some words can be left unsaid. Some feelings can be left unexpressed, but never ever are u left unremembered…

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Learn to Love d people who r willing to Love u at present,4get d people d past and Thank dem 4 hurting u which let u to Love d people u have rite now!

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If at any time ur life is like a ‘Candle in the Wind’ den i’ll put my hands around u so dat all burns r mine & al lites Urs.

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When u need Someone to b beside U and no One is around, Just Gaze up in the Sky, U mite not c me, but b sure dat V r under the same sky….

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People often complain what a small world we’ve got… but i’d rather have it small to have met u than have it so big to have missed knowing u…

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Luv hurts when u break up with someone, Luv hurts even more when she breaks up with u, but Luv hurts d most when u not able to tell d the person whom u Love

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Your love is the song in my heart…! The sunshine in my sky…! The promise of my world…! The centre of my universe…!!

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You care for me in all the ways…! I want and need so much…! I have felt your warmth and tenderness with every word and touch…!

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If love hurts, then love some more. If love hurts some more, then love even more. If love hurts even more, then love till it hurts no more.

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Be careful 2 whom u giv ur heart, bcoz when u giv ur heart 2 some1, U r not only giving that person the right 2 love u but Also the power 2 hurt u…

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No one is too young for love, because love doesn’t come from your mind, which knows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age.

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Under the sea, there lays a rock. In the rock, there is an envelope. In the envelope, there is a paper. On the paper, there are 3 words… ‘Forget me not’

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Under the sea, there lays a rock. In the rock, there is an envelope. In the envelope, there is a paper. On the paper, there are 3 words… ‘Forget me not’

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Love is like a cloud… love is like a dream… love is 1 word and everything in between… love is a fairytale come true… Coz I found love when I found U.

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I feel something in my heart, it’s like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!….

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Somewhere, someone dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life so worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it’s true that someone, somewhere, is thinking of you.

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I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!

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Tears in my eyes ……… Tears for you …… Tears that realise how much I love you

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It must have been a rainy day when you were born, but it wasn’t really rain, the sky was crying because it lost his most beautifull angel…!

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It must have been a rainy day when you were born, but it wasn’t really rain, the sky was crying because it lost his most beautifull angel…!

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If the world was made of paper and the sea of ink, I would write everywhere that I like you!

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The moment I first saw you, you warmed my heart, the second time you made little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell !

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You are my dear…together we have nothing to fear…! For together we will always be… I’m so lucky if you chose me…! My heart forever will be true…! I think…….I’m in LOVE with you..!!

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When we were kids, we couldn’t wait to grow up n fall in luv. Now that we are grown up, we realise that wounded knees were easier to heal than broken hearts.

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Find arms that will hold u at ur weakest, eyes that will c u at ur ugliest, heart that will luv at ur worst, if u hv found it, u’ve found luv.

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I love 3 things! The sun, the moon and U! The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever!

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I am in da emergency room now talk’n to da doctor he says it doesn’t look good he says I am going to die… If I ever stop loving YOU!

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When u feel alone just look at the spaces between ur fingers remeber that in those spaces u can c my fingers locked with urs 4ever!!!

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one day the moon sed 2 me, if ur lover makes u cry why dont you leave ur lover.. i looked at the moon n replied would u every leave ur sky? I love u

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You can fall from a bridge, you can fall from above, but the best way of falling, is falling in love!

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It takes a day to crush on someone,A week to understand someone,a month to like someone,a year to love someone,But it takes a lifetime to forget someone…

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Take my eyes but let me see U…Take my mind but let me Think about U…Take my Hand but let me Touch U…But don t try to take my Heart coz its already with U….

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It s not the presence of someone that brings meaning to life,But It s the way that someone touches ur heart which gives u a beautiful meaning….

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→ Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something
you want done because he wants to do it.

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→ That awkward moment when you yell `Hello` to your friend and someone else with the same name says it back…

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→ When your waiting for one persons text and the whole world decides to text you!

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→ If you think something small can`t make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room!

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→ 3 ways to die early. smoking = 5 years early. alcohol = 10 years early. loving someone who doesn`t love you = you die daily

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→ that akward moment when you think someone is waving at you in the hall, so you wave back, then they are actually waving at the person behind you, so you pretend you waving at someone else or just walk away feeling like an idiot!

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→ When you accidently sit on your remote, and the subtitles come on! so u spend the next hour trying to figure out how to get it off, but when you give up and your just messing around you suddenly find the button to turn it off!

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→ “Dude, she just called you a facebook addict!” “Oh hell no! Quick, change my status to `Bout to show this girl who`s boss!!”

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→ The awkward moment when you think your phone made a noise, so you pick it up, but then you realize it wasn`t your phone so you pretend to be looking something up…

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→ Yes, I know how to shut up. I just don`t know when.

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→ I always feel like I just passed my “Best If Used By” date.

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→ Dear yellow traffic light, Challenge accepted. Sincerely, a driver ready to get home.

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Life is a rope that swings us through hope. Always believe that today is better than yesterday & tomorrow will be much better than today.

Good Morning?

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→ Yes, I know how to shut up. I just don`t know when.

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→ Dear yellow traffic light, Challenge accepted. Sincerely, a driver ready to get home.

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→ That Awkward Moment When your staring into space and you find yourself staring at someones face.

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→ Some say the glass is half empty,some say the glass is half full.. I say “are you going to drink that?”

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→ Yeah, you look alright…from a distance…at night…behind a wall

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→ Feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket , while it`s in the other room .

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→ Sign at the Optometrist’s Office: “If you don’t see what you’re looking for, you’re in the right place.”

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→ “Dude, she just called you a nerd!” “Oh hell no.. Hold my protractor, calculater, ruler, -ohh good gosh!! Where`s my back up calculator!?!”

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→ You’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who cares.

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→ last night i brought my snowman in for a heat….by the time i got up in the morning she had pissed on the floor and ran off !!

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→ Guy : “I wear the pants in this relationship”
Girl: “yeah, but i control the zipper!

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→ It’s going to be weird still checking Facebook when I’m 70.

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→ that awkward moment when theres a sex scene in a movie your watching with your parents :`) .

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→ The awkward moment when you go to tell someone something, and then they tell you that someone else has already told them.

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→ I had a life, then me and the Internet became friends…

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→ Saying “I`m almost there” when you actually haven`t even left the house.

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→ “Dude, she just called you an alcoholic!” “Oh hell no.. Hold my vodka! But I`m taking the tequila with me..”

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→ When someone rings the doorbell, why do dogs always assume it’s for them?

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→ Seeing a spider is nothing. It becomes a problem when it disappears.

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→ How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you`re on ?

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→ How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you`re on

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→ Hitting the snooze button several times then complaining because you`re running late.

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→ Walking Into Your Room And Saying “Wow I Should Clean This”And Walking Back Out .

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→ I feel like getting some work done…and so I’m sitting down until the feeling passes.

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→ Families are like a bar of chocolate, mostly sweet with a few nuts…

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→ I solve lots of my problem by simply ignoring them

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→ When your ex says, ‘you’ll never find anyone like me’. You reply with, ‘that’s the point’

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→ You are so beautiful, sweet and faithful… It is a pity that I do not like animals!!!

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→ I always see spots before my eyes. DOCTOR: Didn´t the new glasses help? PATIENT: Sure, now I see the spots much clearer!

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→ Large crowe was surrounding a car accident. On hearing about this, a doc arrived and tried to reach the spot but was each time he was pushed back. Finally he shouted: Let me go, the victim is my father. The crowd paved the way for him and then he saw a dead donkey lying in front of the car!

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→ The man told his doctor that he was not able to do all the things around the house that he used to do. When the dxam was over he asked: Now doc, can I have it? Tell me in plain English what is wrong with me. Doc replied: Well, in plain English, you are just lazy. The man said: OK. Now give me the medical term so that I can tell my wife!

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→ ´ Help´ came a frantic cry in a train compartment ´ Is there a doctor here?´ ´ I an a doctor´ responded a man leaping in from the next compartment. ´ Who needs help?´ ´ I do´ a passenger responded gladly. ´ Tell me, what is the name of a throat dease consisting of six letters´!

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→ Man goes to chemist: I want to buy poison. CHEMIST: I can´t sell you that. Man shows wife ´s photo. CHEMIST: Oh, sorry. I didn´t know you had a prescription!

→ Man goes to chemist: I want to buy poison. CHEMIST: I can´t sell you that. Man shows wife ´s photo. CHEMIST: Oh, sorry. I didn´t know you had a prescription!

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→ How do you differentiate the doctors? GENERAL PRACTITIONERS: Know nothing and do little. SURGEONS: Know little and do everything.
INTERNISTS: Know everything and do nothing. PATHOLOGISTS: Know everything and can do everything but its usually too late!

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→ How do you differentiate the doctors? GENERAL PRACTITIONERS: Know nothing and do little. SURGEONS: Know little and do everything.
INTERNISTS: Know everything and do nothing. PATHOLOGISTS: Know everything and can do everything but its usually too late!

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→ A woman went to the doctor.DOCTOR: You’ve got Tuberculosis. The shocked woman said: I don’t believe you! I want a second opinion.
DOCTOR: O.K., You’re ugly as well!

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→ PATIENT: I can’t control my aggression. DOC: How long have you had thus problem?PATIENT: Who wants to know?

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→ PATIENT: I have got only 59 seconds to live. DOCTOR: Wait a minute!

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→ After his annual examination, patient asked his doctor: Well, doc, how do I stand? DOCTOR: That’s what puzzles me!

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→ My doctor gave me six months to live. But when I couldn’t pay the bill, he gave me six months more!

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→ After examining an attractive lady, the doc beamed: Mrs Smith, I have got good news for you! PATIENT: Pardon me, its Miss Smith. DOC: Oh. Well, Mrs Smith, I have got bad news for you!
52:-( ” Doc, what’s wrong with me?” ” Madam, you are too fat, you use too much rouge and lipstick, you have hair bleached, you smoke too much and one other thing – you are in the wrong office. The doc is next door!

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→ DOCTOR: You should stop taking these sleeping pills before they become a habit. PATIENT: Nonsense! I have been taking them for fifteen years and they haven’t become a habit yet!

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→ NURSE: Who is your family doctor? PATIENT: Hard to say. NURSE: Surely you must know his name. PATIENT: It’s not as easy as that. Mom goes to an eye doc, dad to a stomach doc, my brother is being treated by a psychiatrist and I’m under an orthopaedician!

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→ YOUNG DOCTOR: Do you mind if I ask you why you always ask your patients what they have eaten? OLD DOCTOR: Not at all my boy. Their food is very important. It helps me gauge my fees!

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Underneath D moon, underneath D stars
Here's a sweet heart just 4 U
Up above D world, up above it all
Here's a hand to hold UR Hand
At Heart all True

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Bindas Muskurao Kya Gum Hai.
Zindgi Me Tension Kisko Kam Hai.
Achchha Ya Bura To Kewal Bhram Hai
Zindagi Ka Nam Hi Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gam Hai.......

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On this day, let D color shower love
Which dewells in our hrts
Let sing together D ballad of love
Happy holi wid love

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Best Wishes to yOu
For A Holi Filled with sweet mOments
Colored with Cheer and Blessings
Sprinkled with Laughter and Fun

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Choro Gile Sikwe bolo mithi boli
bhar ke pichkari aaye mastoo ke toli
Mere dost mere humjoli
ℋ???? ℋ?ℒ?

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may all D joys of life becomes
shades of red, green, purple nd blue
wishing u and ur family...
happy holi.............holi sms

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Hope the colorful festival
Blooms into joy, smile and good times
Making each day of yours....colorul and happy
Happy Holi

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play safe with colors and gulal
Heartist Holi greetings 2 all.

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Enjoy D brightens of colors
joyful moments & make this holi
more memorable...
Many many congratulations 4 holi

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play wid colors & gulal,
bahut bahut holi ki badhai mere yaar...

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Dear friend may this festivity of holi
bring into ur life vibrant colors of happiness
Very happy holi..

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Bach k jane na paye, rang dalo sabko
bhabhi, bhaiya, Jija, shali, gharwali, bharwali holi ki bdhai ho sabko.
????? ????

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Bhar pichkari bauchar jo mari..
bhegi chunri, bhegi saree..
apne hi rang mai rangwana hai..
holi aj mnana hai...
happy holi bhabhi, bhaiya, shali..

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Baho ma bhar kar pucha unhone konsa rang lagau tumko.
humne bhi keha diya mujha sirf tumahara hoto ka rang pasand hai.
holi sms wishes for girlfriend

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A true nd caring relation dsn't hv 2 speak loud,
a soft sms is jst enugh 2 express d heartiest feelings N blessing.
Enjoy D festival of Holi wid lot of fun.

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Apne dil ka haal batana chod diya, hmne bhi gehrai mein jana chod diya.
Holi se pehle hi kya apne nhana chod diya?

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Auspicious Red.
Sunkissed Gold.
Soothing Silver.
Pretty Purple.
Blissful Blue.
Forever Green.
I wish u and all family
D most colorful Holi.............holi sms

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Idhar nikli pichkaari
aaya udhar se Gubbara
Bhed-bhav ko bhul Rango main
Umango main Dub gaya Jag saara

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MaY this festival of colours bring
more cheerful colors in your Life.
Very Happy Holi...

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Holi ka Hurdang
hath me Laal, Pilaa, Hraa, Gulabi Rang
Pi ke Bhang
Dosto ke Sang
Ese mano holi 2021 ka Umang

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My Holi can never seem colorful
Until you are there to share Gulal N Gujiya
and sprinkle smiles!
Join me on 10 March 2020 and make my celebrations Complete!

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→ Hurray!

Really Cool!
You Did It!
Way to go!
Great Work!

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→ Bounteous congratulations and wishing for the next jouney and thanks to feel me proud that I m ur friend. Really feeling very delighted to hear about ur grand success.

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→ Hi Dear, Congrates on Your Success. God fulfill all your wishes what ever you want in your life..

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→ You have landed your DREAM JOB
Congratulation and Good Luck

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– Live it up
– To smile
– Take a bow

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→ Congratulations…
On your graduation!
Wishing you luck & success…
In all that you do!

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think by heart even if its broken.

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I Was a Smoker!!!
Once I Read: “Smoking Is Injurious To Health”
I QUIT Smoking.
I Used To Drink WINE
I Read: “WINE is Bad For Health”
I Left Drinking.
I LOVE Someone
Once I Read: “Love is an illusion”
You Know What I Did?
I Left “Reading”!

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In a day if i have to say ‘i love u’
whenever i remembered u,
i have to say 86400 times per a day….
because u r my one and only love…..

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Two things are never defined in whole life,
1 is LOVE:
Bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much.
2nd Friend:
Bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U.

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Life is railway station in which love is a train,
It will come and go at any time but,
friendship is the track that will be there forever,
so keep in touch.

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Boy: Wat u’ll do if I die?
Girl Naughtily Said: I’ll b happy !
Next day She got news that Boy died
& He left a letter for her
I can do anything to Make yOu Happy

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A HEART die’s
when it is not able to share its FEELINGS.
but a HEART Kills itself
when another Heart
doesn’t Understands it’s FEELINGS.

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Love is like a cloud.
Love is like a dream.
Love is 1 word and everything in between.
Love is a fairytale come true.
Coz I found Love when I found you.

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Definition of Lady Doctor:
“is that beautiful dashing Girl
wearing angel white coat,
holding your hand lookng into your eyes
& still want your pulse to be normal”

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Court Order!!
You Are Accused of Crawling into my inbox
& Hijacking My Smile with your cute massages.
You Are Sentenced to be MY SWEET HEART FOR LIFE

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Heaven is not the one
which you see after your death,
True Heaven is the one
which you can see here in my True Love.

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True bondings are not measured
by time spent together
or the favours done for each others,
but the comfort you find
when you realize you have each other.

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Look at the Sun you will feel the power of God
Look at the moon you will feel the beauty of God.
Look at the mirror you will feel the Love of God.

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It is easy to forget but it is hard to remember
It is easy to study but it is hard to practice
It is easy to fall in love but it is hard to love
It is easy to say “I love you” but
it is hard to say “I wanna marry you”

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What is the difference between a Coffee Shop and a Wine Shop ?
Coffee Shop is the Beginning of Love and
Wine Shop is the ending of Love.

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This is a moon which learns from you,
That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here… It’s me who live for you

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In life Luv is never planned
nor does it happen for a reason.
But when Luv is real,
it becomes ur Plan for life
ur reason for living.

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→ I remember him not as the
one who broke my heart.
But I remember him as the
one who teach me
how to live with a broken heart.

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→ I cannot erase from my heart
sweet memories of you
thy tongue sharp as a dart
my poor heart eschew.

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→ Everyone in your life
will hurt you sooner or later.
But you will have to decide.
What is more important?
The Pain Or The Person…??

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→ Have u ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit
and u just pull the scar off of it over and over again…

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→ I know,
She was the the most prestigious GIFT.
I ever received!
Sometimes I really feel
I was just a GAME she played!

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→ So I guess that I’m da loser
Cause u hav found some1 new
But I’m still here, still all alone
Just crying over u

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→ When I was a kid.
I wanted to grow up soon.
Now that I grown up,
I realize that wounded emotions
and broken hearts.

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→ I reeally luv YU … Buh YU luv sum 1 else
Wen I Cee U
I cant cloze my eyes
I jus want YU 2 sey how much I care abt YU
Mey I cud sey YU at sum Timee …..
I Luv YU Mor Than My self

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→ Some broken hearts, may never mend,
Some memories may never end,
Some wet tears may never dry,
But my love for you will never die…

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→ I know,
She was the the most prestigious GIFT.
I ever received!
Sometimes I really feel
I was just a GAME she played!

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Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.

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If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

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Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.

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Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.

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Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.

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A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.

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It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.

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She just smiled, said that she loved books more than anything, and started telling him excitedly what each of the ones in her lap was about. And Ove realised that he wanted to hear her talking about the things she loved for the rest of his life.

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A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. Like money, books must be kept in constant circulation... A book is not only a friend, it makes friends for you. When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold.

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Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.

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True love is not a hide and seek game: in true love, both lovers seek each other.

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The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world

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Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.

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One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.

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They'll say you are bad
or perhaps you are mad
or at least you
should stay undercover.
Your mind must be bare
if you would dare
to think you can love
more than one lover.

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Happiness comes from helping others, by being with others, and by sharing, even if it's only a smile.

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Do you not know that God entrusted you with that money (all above what buys necessities for your families) to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to help the stranger, the widow, the fatherless; and, indeed, as far as it will go, to relieve the wants of all mankind? How can you, how dare you, defraud the Lord, by applying it to any other purpose?

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When we fully understand the brevity of life, its fleeting joys and unavoidable pains; when we accept the facts that all men and women are approaching an inevitable doom: the consciousness of it should make us more kindly and considerate of each other. This feeling should make men and women use their best efforts to help their fellow travelers on the road, to make the path brighter and easier as we journey on. It should bring a closer kinship, a better understanding, and a deeper sympathy for the wayfarers who must live a common life and die a common death.

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Hey, Ethan."
"Remember the Twinkie on the bus? The one I gave you in second grade, the day we met?"
"The one you found on the floor and gave me without telling me? Nice."
He grinned and shot the ball. "It never really fell on the floor. I made that part up.

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When someone steals another's clothes, we call them a thief. Should we not give the same name to one who could clothe the naked and does not? The bread in your cupboard belongs to the hungry; the coat unused in your closet belongs to the one who needs it; the shoes rotting in your closet belong to the one who has no shoes; the money which you hoard up belongs to the poor.

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And a new philosophy emerged called quantum physics, which suggest that the individual’s function is to inform and be informed. You really exist only when you’re in a field sharing and exchanging information. You create the realities you inhabit.

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She recognized that that is how friendships begin: one person reveals a moment of strangeness, and the other person decides just to listen and not exploit it.

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Often we come home from a sharing session with a feeling that something precious has been taken away from us or that holy ground has been trodden upon.

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If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.

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A friend is one who knows all about you.
One who understands your smile and tears.
One who multiplies joys and divides griefs.
One who brings out the best version of you.
One who love you just the way you are.
One who cheer you up, never leave your side, come what may.

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→ Patience & Silence Are Powerful Energies.
Patience Makes You Mentally Strong.
Silence Makes You Emotionally Strong.
Have A Strong & Healthy Life..!

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→ When things go wrong
When sadness fills ur heart
When tears flow in ur eyes
Always remember 3 things
God, ur parents & my best wishes
Best of Luck

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→ When my arms can’t reach pple close2 my heart I always hug dem wit my prayers,may Allah grant u wat ur heart desires&keep u happy always. Bundles of PRAYERS 4u.

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