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Miss You Quote

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PM [172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

This thread is for " Miss You " quote.



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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“The beauty of the sea is that it never shows any weakness and never tires of the countless souls that unleash their broken voices into its secret depths.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Life is so short, so fast the lone hours fly, we ought to be together, you and I."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Missing someone enlightens how the person means to you and broadens the feelings shared."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I’m missing you."

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"I miss you in ways that not even words can understand."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

He kisses me like he misses me, even before I have to go."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My world is a million shattered pieces put together, glued by my tears, where each piece is nothing but a reflection of you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"The scary thing about distance is you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Whenever I miss you, I look at my heart. Because it’s the only place I can find you."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk in my garden forever."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

"I wish for you the wisdom to realize that it’s okay to miss something, but not want it back."
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

After all the time that has passed, I still find myself missing you every minute of each hour, each hour in a day, every single day of each week, every week of the month, and every month of the year.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I close my eyes and see you there. But when I open them and see nothing there, I realize how much I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much that I am jealous of the people that get the chance to see you every day
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I find myself missing you a little too much, a little too often, and a little more with each passing day.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you once I wake up and I miss you once I fall asleep. I wish that we could always be together.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart. I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are always the first thought in my head when I wake up in the morning. That is how much I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is like walking around without my heart. I feel this way because my heart is still with you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how much I miss you and long for you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how much I miss you and long for you....
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much at this very moment, but this distance between us is only temporary. Nothing in this world can keep us apart from one another.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I knew that would be the last time I would see you, I would hug you a little tighter, kiss you a little longer, and tell you that I love you one more time.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I hope you’re not doing great without me. To be honest, I am a wreck without you. I miss you too much.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes I think that I love you and other times I think that I hate you. But there is not a single day that goes by where I don’t miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Whenever I feel sad because of how much I miss you, I remind myself that I was lucky to have known you in the first place.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even if I spent the whole day with you, I would still miss you the second that you leave.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is a hole in the world where you used to be. I often fall into it and that is when I find myself missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you, a single person, is missing, the whole world seems off balance to me.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I am missing you, time seems to move so much slower.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

People say that time heals all wounds but time has only given me a chance to miss you even more.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much that it is making me cry. Nothing is the same without you in my life.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even when you are not here, the sound of your voice and the smell of your hair is still fresh in my mind.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Loving you is the easiest thing I have ever had to do and missing you is the hardest thing I have ever done.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much that I can only hope that you will come back to me like a wave comes back to the shore.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you and not being able to see you and hold you and know that you are okay is the worst feeling in the world.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How do I tell you how much I miss you in a way that will make your heart ache the same way that mine does?
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you gets easier every day because even thought I am one day further from the last day I saw you, I am also one day closer to the day that we will meet again.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too often, and a little more each and every day.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

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BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I could really use one of your hugs right now. I guess I’m just really missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Remember you is easy because I do it every single day. But missing you is a heartache that will never go away.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Don’t ever forget that I love you and that whenever we are apart, I am missing you desperately.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

For me, missing you is a hobby, caring for you is a job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life’s purpose.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I could have it my way, I would much rather be kissing you right now instead of missing you and wanting to be with you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The scary thing about distance is I don’t know if you miss me or if you are slowly forgetting me. All I know is that I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

True love is missing you so badly whenever we are apart, but feeling warm inside because you are still close to my heart.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is just a part of loving you. If we were never apart, then I would never know how strong my love for you is.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you every day, but I like to think that we find each other in our dreams at night.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even though I miss you so much, it comforts me to know that we are at least both under the same sky.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know I miss you, but you must miss me more. Let’s face it, I am just way too cool. Your life must be really terrible without me around.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I miss you, I read some of our old conversations and I ended up with a big, silly smile on my face.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you think that missing me is hard, then you should try missing you. It’s really hard, believe me, I should know.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every part of my body aches for your presence.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wonder if you miss me as much as I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“When you miss someone....it’s weird…your body doesn’t function normally..as it should. Because I miss you, and my heart…it’s not steady…my soul it sings numb. Fingers are cold…like you…your soul.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The silence isn't so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Her heart had grown so familiar to the pain of life without him, that to respond now seemed too large a pleasure she could not endure. If pain was love, then she loved fiercely. Yet knew she could not be near that boy again.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Growth in love comes from a place of absence, where the imagination is left to it’s own devices and creates you to be much more then reality would ever allow.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No, I don't miss you... Not in a way that one is missed.
But I think of you.
In the way that one might think of the summer sunshine
On a winter night...

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
And after all the things we've been through”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“..And i can't get you out of my mind,
God knows how hard I've tried”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Whoever thought up the phrase ‘Absence makes the heart grow founder’ was an idiot.
Absence makes a bitch go crazy.
-Elli, While Shea is Away

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I missed you so much," she breathed.
I tilted my head back and put my hands on her shoulders. I could hardly believe this was happening. I was finally getting to touch her. To kiss her. It was all happening. "I missed you, too.”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Time moves on for us, for you it stands still. You will be forever ageless as we grow old, your smile will never wrinkle, nor will that shine in your eyes fade..
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss those kisses and the way I used to sleep in your warm hug. I miss the way you made me eat breakfasts and I miss the way you made me laugh. I miss you..
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Just as it did when I spoke to you that day from the phone, your face comes into focus more and more as I hold you here beside me.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I like the feeling of hunger for it reminds me of all those hundreds of months without you.

Missing you, thinking of you, like a friendly lonely thin tiger smelling the slip of a season into a new season.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“The thing is that you brought this out in me. How could I want it with anyone else?”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Remembering our loved ones is breathing life into their fading images, that we might once more see their faces and pass along a tearful “I miss you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“And yet I want to be human; I want to be thinking of him because then I feel he is alive somewhere, if only in my head.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How you can already miss someone when you are in the same room with them, I have no idea. But I do.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The joy of having something comes from the length of time you have been wanting it, expecting it. Happiness really lies in the expectation. So once you achieve it, it loses its charm for you.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story, may we’ll share a lifetime then.”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that this someone awakens.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I’m missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I want you. I want you here with me right now. I want to talk to you. I want to be with you. I want to hug you. I just want you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they are supposed to be there
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How you can already miss someone when you are in the same room with them, I have no idea. But I do
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even though I miss you right now, I know that you will come back to me
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You know you really miss someone when you crave something so simple such as the sound of their voice.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Hearing the words, “I miss you” from the right person is an amazing feeling
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We only part to meet again.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Plant a good seed in people who have fertile hearts. When you are away, they’ll miss you. When you are coming again, they can’t wait
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish for you the wisdom to realize that it’s okay to miss something, but not want it back.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There should be a little gap between you and your friends, though you’ll miss their companionship and you’ll also miss their disrespect
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes the tender breeze can help us feel the presence of someone by bringing us their fragrance
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope severer than despair
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

[color=red]But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.[/color]
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is not a single moment in any day that I do not find myself missing you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your memory feels like home to me.
So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. A little too much, a little too often and a little more every day.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I never want to miss a day without you”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I heard someone whisper your name, when I turned around to see who it was I found myself alone then I knew, it was my heart missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s the way I miss you even before you leave.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct it’s light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can’t pretend that I don’t miss you because I see you in everything that I do.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

His eyes missed her as much as the rest of him
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I keep myself busy with the things I do but every time I pause, I still think of you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I get butterflies just thinking about the next time I’ll see you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I will stop missing you when I am with you.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone enlightens how the person means to you and broadens the feelings shared.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss that feeling of connection.
Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

[b]When you miss someone….it’s weird…your body doesn’t function normally..as it should. Because I miss you, and my heart…it’s not steady…my soul it sings numb. Fingers are cold…like you…your soul[/b]
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

He kisses me like he misses me, even before I have to go
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone isn’t about how long since you’ve seen them or the amount of time you’ve talked them. It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something and wishing they were right there with you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I think part of me doesn’t want to remember him, for fear of missing him too much.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even though we are miles apart, you are still a very important part of who I am
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Trees quiet without the birds, My heart quiet without you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I’m missing you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Listening to your heartbeats I would fall asleep. I miss it now
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You can never love someone as much as you miss them
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your absence has gone through me Like thread through a needle Everything I do stitched with its color
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Ever absent, ever near; Still I see thee, still I hear; Yet I cannot reach thee, dear!
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The worst thing you can do if you miss or need someone is let them know it
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Long after I have given up, my heart still searches for you without my permission.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The heart is as transparent as the depths of the ocean; One can only see until the light is gone.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The worst thing you can do if you missing someone or need them is let it hide from them.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wonder if that’s just how it feels to miss someone so bad – like being stabbed in the gut a little bit, each time you think of them
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Falling asleep with hopes and wishes that I rarely get to hold in my hand for long…go me. All I’ve got are memories and secrets
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes, it’s not just about missing someone, it’s wondering if they’re missing you too.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Though I never really had you….
… to me you will always be the one that got away.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I would remember how I had wanted her and hated her and wished she would leave me alone and never let me go. And I would miss her.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I keep myself busy with the things I do but everytime I pause, I still think of you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I fall in love a little more every time I see you and I can’t wait to see you again. I miss you so much!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. I might not always show it, might not always tell people, but on the inside, I miss you like crazy.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I just can’t get you out of my mind. Maybe you are just supposed to be there.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The only way you’ll realize how broken I am without you… is to put your hand on my heart and feel it limping along in pain. I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thinking of you every; second, minute, hour, day, is medication to my illness of missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is like walking around without my heart. I feel this way because my heart is still with you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I long for you in ways I would never have expected and cannot wait to be with you again.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I stopped talking to you so you would miss me, but in the end, I’m the one missing you more than ever.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss our conversations. I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day and how i was able to tell you everything that was on my mind
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The last time I felt alive – I was looking into your eyes. Breathing you air…touching your skin…Saying goodbye… The last time I felt alive… I was dying.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often and a little more each day.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often and a little more each day.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

For when the cold wind blows, I will close my eyes calmly, knowing I am anchored to you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. Not in some cheesy “Let’s hold hands and be together forever kind of way”. I just miss you, plain and simple. I miss your presence in my life. I miss you always being there for me. I miss you best friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wanna write ‘I miss you’ on a rock and throw at your face so you know how much it hurts to miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you gets easier every day because even though I am one day further from the last day I saw you, I am also one day closer to the day that we will meet again.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In French, you don’t say “I miss you.” You say “tu me manques” which means, “you are missing from me.” I love that…
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The silence isn’t so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The sunsets here are wonderful, but my heart aches because I can’t share them with you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Right now you are in my heart and I miss you so bad, I wish you were here with me, baby.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Do not worry, baby, I will be here waiting for you even if it takes forever, I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I always hate watching you go and walk away from me, I’m intoxicated by you so much right now, baby.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thank You
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Me without you is just so darn empty and I cannot even take a second like that, I’m bedazzled by you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss all those late night exchange of text messages, sneaking past through my dad’s room.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss those times I waited out your window until you finally come out to see me, baby.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There were times when I miss being with you, I miss eating out together and having fun.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the person who makes me laugh and lately I haven’t been smiling ‘coz I’m intoxicated by you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are things that only you can do like make me smile when crying, I’m bedazzled by you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish we can create more memories, come back here and we will, I miss you, my girl.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No matter how much the years pass us by, I think I will keep missing you ‘til I see you again.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is not a single day that I do not think about you and just about how much I’m intoxicated by you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish there was a magic to seeing you, that I can teleport to where you are ‘coz I’m intoxicated by you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish you were here with me right now so that I am able to hold you in my arms, I’m intoxicated by you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much, I am suffering every minute that you are not here beside me, my love.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I want to be able to hold your hand, to touch your face, to kiss you and be with you, dear.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you has always been one of my weaknesses, I wish you were here with me today.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Do you hear that? That is this beating heart of mine missing you a whole lot right now.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The truth is that I am not okay because I am sick with this missing you diseases today.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

[color=#E67E22 ]I LOVE MY INDIA[/color]
[color=##F7F7F7 ]I LOVE [/color][color=#1E39D5 ]MY [/color][color=#F7F7F7 ]INDIA[/color]
[color=#0DB60E ]I LOVE MY INDIA[/color]
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are nights when I do not even sleep because I have been thinking about you each hour.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No one can ever replace you in my life, in my arms, in my heart, I’m intoxicated badly right now.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss talking to you like there is no tomorrow, holding my phone to my ear until morning.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may be miles away right now but I close my eyes and I feel you in my heart, I’m bedazzled by you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss being able to hug you tight in my embrace and feeling your warmth, I’m intoxicated by you, girl.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My baby girl, I wish you were here with me and we would walk down the park, holding hands.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss those times you told me that you love me then kiss me, I miss the feeling of your lips.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you comes in waves. Tonight, I’m drowning
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Each night, I put my head to my pillow. I try to tell myself I’m strong because I’ve gone one more day without you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can’t sleep; everything I ever knew is a lie without you. I can’t breathe when my heart is broke in two, there’s no beat without you. You are not gone, but you are not here. At least that’s the way it seems. Missing you isn’t the hardest part. Knowing that I once had you is.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A thousand words couldn’t bring you back… I know this because I tried, neither could a thousand tears… I know this because I cried, you left behind a broken heart and happy memories too… but I never wanted memories.. I only wanted you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you… a little too often, a little too much.. and a little bit more.. every day.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I hide my tears when I say your name but pain in my heart is still the name. Although I smile and seem carefree, who misses you more than me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I think a part of me will always be waiting for you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I only miss you when I’m breathing
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My mind is still having trouble wrapping itself around the fact that you are gone
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You have no idea of the amount of happiness you brought into my life.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are missing someone, time seems to move slower, and when I’m falling in love with someone, time seems to be moving faster.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some days the memories still knock the wind out of me
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is not about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you have talked…it is about that very moment when you are doing something and wishing they were there with you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even if I spend the whole day with you, I will miss you the second you leave.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I feel bad when you miss me, I feel sad when you don’t.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss everything about you, Can’t believe that I still want you and after all the things we’ve been through
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t care if it’s 5 minutes or a whole night, I just want to see you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

..And i can’t get you out of my mind, God knows how hard I’ve tried
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Whenever I miss you, I look at my heart. Because it’s the only place I can find you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Hell is loving you in my sleep and waking up alone.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My memory loves you; it asks about you all of the time.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We only part to meet again
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My first thought in the morning is always you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart never knew loneliness until you went away. I’m missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart, days feel like years.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

To say I miss you is an understatement
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Within you I lose myself… Without you I find myself, wanting to be lost again
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you as soon as i wake up. I miss you when i’m about to sleep. I wish you were always here next to me
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

MISSING someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I knew that looking back on the tears would make me laugh but I never knew that looking back on the laughs would bring tears.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your memory feels like home to me.
So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When the two of us are together, time goes a little bit faster so I miss you more right now.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Tell me how do I stop missing the person that I love the most in this world, I’m intoxicated by you, baby.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I want to be able to wrap my arms around you and just kiss your head, I’m intoxicated by you so much
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are subconsciously in my mind all the time and I do not even want to know what to do.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every step that I take, I hope brings me a step closer to you because I miss you so much, girl.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I think of you and remember you in everything that I do and I know that I am missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Baby, I wish we have more time together, that we are able to be with each other more, girl.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Miss You Brother SMS
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I feel all the laughter in my life was because of your naughty pranks.
I miss you a lot since the time you left.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I laugh more often when you are around.
I miss you, the joker of our house!

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I try not to miss you, but in the end, I still do.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Wish you were here I am missing you every hour, every minute
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every sister consider her brother to be one of the most caring and smart individuals and consider him to be irreplaceable in her life.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Love, competition, friendship, and jealousy all overlay each other to create complex emotional reactions to situations.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart wont let you go, and I need you to know, I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Bro I wish you were here with me right now. I'm so lonely and I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Forever is a long time; but i wouldn't mind spending it by your side bro
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our path may change as life goes along, but the bond between us remain ever strong. I miss you brother!
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Dear brother, I miss you and your absence has left me really lonely. I now cherish the moment we spent together. I know we do fight, but right now, I will make peace with you so you can be around always. Please, brother, be good wherever you are.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I now understand how important you are to me. Having you far away makes me realize you are truly important and you fill a void in my heart.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss your voice. I miss our friendship that is beyond sharing a womb. I love you and now I know you have an important part of my heart.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I specially miss you, dear brother, and I want you to know that I have prepared you many hugs and enough kisses for the day I see you again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m glad to have you as my brother. I wish I could undo the distance and bring you really close to share those wonderful moments again. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know we have all grown up and gone our different ways, but to me, I wish I could keep you close forever. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you, brother, and when I feel weak, I know a part of me is far away. Please brother, can you come back soon?
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are important to me and I never realized it until you left. I wish I had told you I love you and spent more reasonable time with you. I wish you are back home and I’ll make it right. Today I realize how strongly I miss you and I want you to know that I love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I had hoped I’ll be able to keep you from leaving, but I had to settle with missing you. I would have known missing you will hurt this much and kept you back from leaving. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m counting the days and I wish it comes quickly. The day I’ll see you again. Missing you is hard, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’ve been vulnerable with you and you have understood me perfectly. I know it will be difficult to do without you, brother. I really miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Boredom was a wrong word when you were around, brother. I miss your company and I miss the whole of you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is terrible and I must admit that it’s hard on me, brother. I really miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t have the right words to describe my feelings, brother. But I want you to realize I miss you. Please take care of yourself.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are always the best and I miss your amazing personality. Brother, you mean a lot to me and your absence reveals what I’m missing out on. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you’re back, I hope to tell you all that happened while you were away. Missing you has been such a feeling that I really want to end.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes I get so uncomfortable. I know there’s something wrong with me and that thing is that I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I remember all our gist and laughs. I want us to have that again, every day. You make missing you difficult.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had superpowers, I’ll bring you from your destination and keep you here so I won’t miss you this much. Be fine brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your absence makes me feel the house is empty. Maybe it truly is. Brother, I miss you too much to be calm. Come back quickly.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish you know how I feel when I say, I miss you. My brother, I miss you a lot and I can’t wait to see your face and share beautiful moments with you again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Please, brother, come back as soon as you because right here is a sibling that miss you and is really eager to see you again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your absence feels like you’ve been away forever. I miss you, brother. You are my inspiration and I can’t help myself from missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I have many sweet memories of you. You have been my favorite brother and you know you worth so much to me. I’ll miss you till we meet again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Brother, please come back as soon as you can as you have a sibling missing you sick here.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It is strange not having you near. I have never missed you this much since we have been together. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’ve tried to make new friends, maybe it will fill the void of not having you here, brother. But it’s never the same. I miss having you here.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I stand before the mirror and what I see is a sibling sick from missing a brother. You are loved, brother and I wish you well wherever you are.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The beautiful memories that we share keep me going and I really want to make more memories with an amazing brother. Missing you every day, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If missing you is a crime, I’ll be gladly caught because of you. Maybe that will hasten your return. See, life is not the same without you in the home, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Brother, I really miss you. I want to hold your hand and share a secret with you like I always do. I hope you come back soon.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

For the love we shared and the memories that remains still, I miss you, brother, and above all, I wish to have you around.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You understand me perfectly and with you, I know I don’t have to be scared of being judged. But now, you’re away and I earnestly want to look into your face, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I could bring time back, I’ll make each moment count because, now I know you won’t always be here with me, brother. I miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some days feel so long and that is because I’m missing a brother in you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In my mind, you are always here with me, brother. I wish I could make it real every day and bring you out of my thoughts to reality.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

. If this is how it hurts to miss a brother, then I’ll fight tooth and nail to have you close to me always.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I never believed I’ll miss you this much, but with each passing day, brother, I feel the void of our connection and I can’t wait for us to connect with you again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is now my favourite hobby. I try to ignore it, but right in my mind, I know I miss a special brother greatly.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Since I knew you as my brother, you have been everything amazing. Now you’re away and I feel like running away to meet you where you are.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It doesn’t feel the same here without you my brother. I hope you believe me when I say I do miss you a lot! That’s the truth, bro.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I feel like I’m nursing a terrible feeling and having you back here is the only cure. Please brother, remember that I miss you and find a time to make it home.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I try to ignore it, but it is real every passing day. I miss my brother and it hurts.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

For all the play and talks. All the places we visited and our secret mischief, I really miss your face here at home, brother.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes, I don’t feel like going home. I feel home will be boring without you in it. You didn’t have to leave you know? But I love you and pray for you always.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You have been a source of joy to the home, brother. Now that you’re away, we try as much as possible to keep the joy alive. I really miss you here.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Nothing can feel the same until we meet and share the hugs and make plans to create more memories that will last me even when you’re gone for a long time.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is legal and even if becomes illegal, I’ll gladly be arrested for it. But I want to see you again, so, I’ll continue to miss you the legal way.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You have consoled me in times when I needed the right words to keep living. You are special bro.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m glad I have a brother who doesn’t condemn me, but who gracefully encourages me. I miss that part of you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes I feel life without a brother is meaningless. Maybe I’m overeating to your absence, but I know it’s the truth. I really miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much, brother and I can’t get your last goodbye out of my head. It feels so weird not having you around me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every day, I long to be with you again. I hope you understand, brother that I miss you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some days I get all moody and no one knows it’s because of you, brother. I miss you and miss your presence here.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Having someone absent from home has never been easy. Now having a favourite brother away from home is beyond explanation. I miss you every day, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I believe our hearts are connected and you miss me as much as I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It feels so different because my favourite sibling is not here. I guess he’ll smile when he sees this message and plan to come home soon.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I always want to hear your voice. You can call it selfishness, but I know you’re unique and with you, brother, the world is beautiful. I miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Remember all the moments we talked about everything late into the night? I always look forward to such moments again, but for now, I can only miss you more and more.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes I just want to remain in bed and wish you could knock on my door beckoning me to come around with you for some activities. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I don’t miss you, brother, who else will? You have been like a twin to me. Be safe where you are.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the secret behind my shine and I wish I could keep you here so I’ll maintain this shine. I miss how you make me feel better every day and I miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are days I only wish to cry and see if the tears can in any way bring you back home like the speed of light. I miss you that much, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you like a tiny piece joined together to make an unending rope. I can’t explain how much it is that I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’ll give you all the hugs we missed out on while you’re away. I’ll do everything I can to make you know that I truly miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I hope when we see, we won’t become a stranger to each other. I have missed you too much that I can’t imagine you behaving like a stranger to me when you return, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some say distance separates two hearts. I don’t believe that brother. If distance tries to separate us, blood will bring us closer together again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I want to watch you laugh out loud like you used to and see you wink me codedly. I miss our moments together, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

People do change, but please brother, don’t change towards me when you return. Let us be best of siblings as always. I have missed you too much to accept your change.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It can never be the same feeling with you over the phone like the feeling we would share while we’re together. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I want to look into your eyes and know that I still have a brother in you. It keeps me going. I miss you, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I hear a voice similar to yours, my face brightens with smile. You are precious to me, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m so glad to have the best brother in the whole world. Even though you’re faraway, we still miss each other deeply. That’s a beautiful sign.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Though it takes a while to see you again, brother, I won’t stop missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My brother, my joy, I miss you! You know that feeling of having someone in your heart, but you can’t have them around you? That’s the feeling I have every day.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Though we disagree a lot when you’re here, but my heart misses you completely when you’re away. That’s what I feel like right now.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know you can’t give me everything I ask for, but the fact that you love me as your sibling gives me joy, brother. I miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I have this feeling of confidence when you’re around. I know I have a partner to support me in whatever good and mischievous act I have in mind. Now I miss you and I can’t wait for you to return.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My lovely brother who inspires me always, I miss you so much and right now, I long to see your face, but I hold on to the beautiful memories we share.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Next time you’re leaving bro, I’ll pack my bag and come with you. It’s such a terrible feeling missing you this much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes I count my fingers for the day you will return. I really wish it could be today, right now, but now I have to wait and miss you some days more.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Don’t you dare leave me alone like this again bro. I am almost getting sick missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes I still feel you’re here. I run into your room to feed you in with the latest happening in my life, but you’re not there. I sit on the bed and say everything to the empty room. I really miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Come back quickly and fill this void your absence has created. I am not having a good time with you away brother. I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every day, it gets worse. I seem to miss you more than I missed you yesterday. I wish it were possible to weigh my feelings. I want you back here again, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss how you care about every detail of my life. You make living easy and you make success look amazing. I am missing you always, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss how you push me to be the best of myself. You watch out for me and make sure I’m doing the right thing. You are my best brother and I miss you now that you’re away.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Nothing feels the same without you here, brother. Everyone provokes me and make it difficult to accept your absence. I miss you so much!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The pain of missing you will only reduce when I see you, brother. When will you come back? I miss you so much!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know you have to leave so you can make ends meet. I also wish I can go with you. But wherever you are, know that your favourite sibling misses you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss how you cheer me up, brother. You have the right words and the perfect funny faces to change my mood. You are a wonderful brother and I wish to see you soon.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love you, brother and I miss every detail about you. Wonderful is an understatement to describe what your presence is to me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m learning to continue with what you’ve thought me, but sometimes I wish you’re here to put me through, brother. I miss you so much!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I never imagined missing you this much. Maybe I would have understood it better if I had thought a day will come when you’ll be away. Brother, I pray you well wherever you are at the moment.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I want you to know that I’m not idle since you left. Everything you have thought me as being of help and a great guide, but I miss you all the same, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am short of words to describe what I feel since the day you left. Your absence has made me weak and I keep trying to pick myself up. I wish you’re here, brother.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Brother, your absence has thought me to appreciate you the more. Now I know how precious you are to me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you has been a great struggle. I know you feel the same way too. I love you, brother and I know our meeting together again will be beautiful.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All the naughty pranks and laughter in life
All that silly things you did for while
Not a moment without you was nice
Still I know for me you have sacrificed
My bro as I remember those days
I miss you more and wish that you were here today
I miss you so much each day
To my loving brother!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The paths change in life they are not the same
And rightly destiny is not to be blamed
But one thing is sure that the bond we share
Will never ever change in there
Coz I still love you the way you are
Coz you are still my life's shining star
My brother I love you a lot
And I miss being with you
And I miss your lovely thought!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I was down I fond a solace in you
We used to discuss anything and everything new
Remember those days when we used to fight
But still I used to wish a life so bright
Everything has changed with the passage of time
But I miss meeting with you in person
And I miss being with you all along
With you, I was a bit more strong
I love you and I miss to so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you were with me I used to tease you
I used to make fun of you I know that
But without you there is not a feeling so same
I feel so lonely there is no one to blame
Coz your path and my path was different
Still my love for you is same
I miss you my brother and feel my love for you
I miss you so much in the blue!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

What makes me sad is not the times that I have spent
Without you but some things that make me happy too
It is the time that I spent with you
And the sadness of not having you
You were my smile all through
My loving brother I miss you too
I wish that you come all through
My bro I truly miss you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know that you were truly the best
I know that you used to make me smile
I had no apprehension in my mind
Coz I used to follow you blind
But days are not the same since you left
Life is in a complete deft
Hope to see you soon my loving brother
I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I still find you when I see my pictures with you
I still feel that you are with me
I still feel about the wonderful memories
The memories that I cannot forget ever in life
My brother you were my inspiration
You were my strong force to strive
I miss you not being with me
I truly miss you brother!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life truly gives us a blessing in different forms
In my life, my true blessing is you my brother
Can't think of spending my life without you
You know that your sis loves you too
But today I am missing you so much
I am missing the times that we spent together
Come back brother..I want to see you
I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

What makes yours and mine relationship more special?
Well it's the bond that we shared all through
It's the way that you cared for me
It's the way you bought a smile on my face
Brother it's your super loving grace
And I am missing each moment without you
I am really missing you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can swap anything in life you now
And I think everything can also be replaced
What cannot be replaced is the love I have
For you my brother, that surely can't be changed
Nothing feels so good without you
Coz you are the one I really miss you
Come back and bring that smile back
Brother I miss you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Of all the wonderful memories we had
Of all the love and sharing we did
You played a spoil sport at times
But still I was the one to apologize
Can't forget those nostalgic moments with you
Coz that was the best time I have had
My brother toady as I think about you
I surely and truly miss you!
Missing You Messages for Brother
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There have been many chapters in my life
And many relations that I have cared for
But nothing was as pure as time spent with you
There was no animosity or jealousy being with you
I think it was the purest relation I had with you
So missing you coz you are not with me
I am missing you more my sweet and lovely brother!
Missing You Messages for Brother
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A brother is the best friend a girl can have
I had you when I needed you the most
I could share my dreams with you
I could share my future and things I wanted to
Actually I have lived the best childhood
Because I had a brother like you
But today when you are not there with me
I am missing that smile and glee
I miss you so much brother!
Missing You Messages for Brother
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You made me happy you had a role to play
You took away my tears in vain
You could see in my eyes that hidden pain
Such a beautiful bond that we share
And I always knew about your silent care
Having a loving brother like you besides me
There is nothing else I wish to see
Brother I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A brother like you is like a perfect example in life
You made me happy in my sorrow
You showed me the way to a better tomorrow
You gave me all I wanted as gift
You also sacrificed for me in bits
A loving brother like you needs respect
But you are so far away my bro
And I am missing you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You were the best friend I ever had in life
Since the time you have left me in this state
Life is just not too great
I feel so blue when I need to talk
Though I know you are available online
Still I miss you in person and with me
I wish I could right away meet you and see
Come back soon my brother
I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I just wanted to message you across
And tell you that I miss the times we shared
I miss those moments of fights my bro
And many times that you cared
I miss those silly blames and fighting for food
I miss those memories a lot my brother
Hope to see you soon in life
I am missing you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There may be many kinds of relations
And there may be many kinds of love in life
But there is nothing like the love of a brother
The love that is naughty and kind
Oh I miss you so much my brother
And I hope that I would see you soon
Coz I am missing you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am missing my brother whom I love the most
Yes it's him all the way in life
I had my life's most amazing time
Your love cannot replace anything in life
You are my brother and you will have that special
Place in my heart always
I love you my brother and I miss being with you
I just want to see you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know we fight a lot in life
I know that I hate you from my thought
I know that things aren't the same
When there is your name
But when you are not around
It's you who I miss the most
Yes, this is the truth
Miss you so much my brother
Missing you so much!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Miss you my brother so much
I am waiting to see you again
I want to come and hug you tight
Want to renew our bond and fight
I do not know it was so difficult
To lead a life without you
My brother I so miss you
Yeah I do..I miss you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Brother, you stay in my heart
I know that you are a part
You are to me the most favorite person
You are to me what I want to say
There has not been a single day
When I do not think about you
Yes it's so true..That I miss you
My sweet brother..I truly love you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I never really thought that when you will go
I will miss you so much my lovely bro
Yes I know that I used to irritate you
I used to tease you along the way
But, that was my way,
Of telling you about my love
For now, I am so missing you
Yes, I do miss you brother!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Brother you are my evergreen punching bag
You know that I am missing you a lot
There is no one to scold and shout at
There is no one with whom I can play
Wish you were here with me
Talking nonsense things along the way,
I am missing you so much brother!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Brother, I miss you so much
Since the time you have left
There is nothing much left to do
Actually, my life has become too
Monotonous without you
I wish that you come back soon
I wish that you do come back
I am missing you so much brother
Yes I so miss you!
Missing You Messages for Brother

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Think I’ll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“The silence isn’t so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Spending time with you showed me what I’ve been missing in my life.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you even more than I could have believed, and I was prepared to miss you a good deal.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“In true love the smallest distance is too great and the greatest distance can be bridged.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece, and your kiss because it is a miracle.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I wrote your name across my heart
So your heart beats with mine
And when I miss you most I trace
Each loop and every line.”

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Two soulmates can never be apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart!”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I know you miss me terribly. I miss you, too. But we still have each other, for I am – and always have been – part of you. You carry me in your heart, just as I carried you in mine, and nothing can ever change that. I love you, my darling, and you love me. Hold on to that feeling. Hold on to us. And little by little, you will find a way to heal.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you in waves and tonight I’m drowning. You left me fending for my life and it feels like you’re the only one who can bring me back to the shore alive.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“How can I begin to tell you how much I miss you without using those three common words that can’t even start to express the magnitude nor the depth of my emotions.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Love you always, miss you always… running day and night, leaving the place of sun and moon, of ice and snow. Never look back, never forget.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Somewhere in the creation of our destinies, we were meant to be the missing piece of each other with a bind unequaled to anything else in the world. We were meant to stay together no matter the physical distance.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“It’s wild to miss someone so much, and yet in order to care for them you have to constantly say goodbye.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“You can love someone so much… But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds– but I think of you always in those intervals.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss those kisses and the way I used to sleep in your warm hug. I miss the way you made me eat breakfasts and I miss the way you made me laugh. I miss you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Why is love intensified by absence?”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. I miss the feeling of completeness I have when you’re in my arms.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses…the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life…to lie in your arms as I take my last breath.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love you, and I miss you, and I’ll be waiting, whenever you’re ready.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you. I miss you so bad it hurts, but I don’t know how to find you even though you’re right in front of me.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can’t tell fast enough, the ears that aren’t big enough, the eyes that can’t take in all of the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“We were together even when we were apart.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I’m not very good with words, and I don’t know how to explain to you how I feel. I get lonely when you aren’t with me. I miss you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I love you. I miss you. I would do anything for you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I like the feeling of hunger for it reminds me of all those hundreds of months without you. Missing you, thinking of you, like a friendly lonely thin tiger smelling the slip of a season into a new season.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“He was in my hair, my eyes, my fingers, my heart. I day-dreamed about what he was doing, thinking, seeing, smelling, feeling. I could not eat for thoughts of him.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Sometimes I miss you the way someone drowning remembers the air.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Love is… knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless of what happens, missing the other person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“And we who loved the world must learn the language of absence: days foreshortened, empty rooms, the irrevocable distance between the goodbye and the letting go.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I knew what it was to yearn for a life so distant it seemed that it had never been anything more than a dream.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Maybe we are stars apart from each other, that there’s an invisible line connecting us. I’d like to think we are together in one constellation”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Missing you is flashes of our past and fantasies of our future with the hard irony of the absence of our present as present occurs.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you miss someone… it’s weird… your body doesn’t function normally as it should.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How we need another soul to cling to, another body to keep us warm. To rest and trust; to give your soul in confidence: I need this, I need someone to pour myself into
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss those kisses and the way I used to sleep in your warm hug. I miss the way you made me eat breakfasts and I miss the way you made me laugh. I miss you..
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Just because I’m not forever by your side doesn’t mean that’s not precisely where I want to be.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Don’t allow distance to truly separate you. Make your love last beyond the distance
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can’t sleep alone anymore and I get used to company too quickly. You’re always gone too soon
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even if I now saw you only once, I would long for you through worlds.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who’s in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It’s like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven’t seen in a long time.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I missed you every hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

That’s when I miss you most. When you’re here. When you aren’t here, when you’re just a ghost of the past or a dream from another life, it’s easier then.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all… All my heart has ever wanted is you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I wouldn’t mind the early autumn
if you came home today
I’d tell you how much I miss you
and know I’d be okay.”

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Among men and women, those in love do not always announce themselves with declarations and vows. But they are the ones who weep when you’re gone. Who miss you every single night, especially when the sky is so deep and beautiful, and the ground so very cold.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Plant a good seed in people who have fertile hearts. When you are away, they’ll miss you. When you are coming again, they can’t wait!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd – the longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s been the toughest week of my life, not touching you. Not talking to you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I’m gazing at a distant star. It’s dazzling, but the light is from tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe the star doesn’t even exist anymore. Yet sometimes that light seems more real to me than anything.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Rise up, wise up, say it loud. Soul, I will not lie to you. I’m all alone. I’m still missing you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are still alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“My library is an archive of longings.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The music in his laughter had a way of rounding off the missing notes in her soul.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is not about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you have talked… it is about that very moment when you are doing something and wishing they were there with you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Maturity is when you are happy loving someone from a distance.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“It’s strange how many ways there are to miss someone. You miss the things they did and who they were, but you also miss who you were to them. The way everything you said and did was beautiful or entertaining or important. How much you mattered.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“You kissed me that morning as if you’d never done it before and never would again and now I write another letter that I will never dare to send, collecting memories of loss like chains tight around my chest, and if you see a fire from the shore tonight it’s my chains going up in flames.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I’ve missed you. I feel terrible when we’re apart. I’m so lonely, and I get so scared that you won’t think of me anymore someday, and I will be forgotten here. I only trust and believe in you. I live through you; and to be apart, I can’t stand this wretched feeling anymore.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I asked the mountains and valleys about you. And they said that they miss you as much as I miss you!”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“It’s the person that calls you up because they’re eating at ‘our favorite spot,’ and it made them think of you and miss being there with you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Very often I realize that the time people spend apart is as important in maintaining relationships as the time they spend together
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

That’s the worst way to miss somebody. When they’re right beside you and you miss them anyway.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss our Would You Rather conversations and your hilarious answers. I miss your laugh. I miss the way I feel when I make you laugh. Like I just won something really important. I miss just sitting with you in perfect, silent understanding. I miss the way you never judge anyone. It’s such a rare find. And I miss watching how kind you are with everyone. I miss being able to call you and talk to you. I miss you. I love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I will miss you like I’ll never see you again,
And the next time I see you,
I will kiss you like I’ll never kiss you again.”

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“When we aren’t together, I miss you so bad.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you. No, not just miss you, my heart aches every day because you’re not there.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. Be ready, because when I see you, I’ll never let you go again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I just wanted you to know you were missed.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All I know is, being away from you… makes it hard to breathe. I miss you so much”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I won’t apologize because I miss you, or because I said it, or because I text you first, or again. I think everyone spends too much time trying to close themselves off. I don’t want to be cool or indifferent, I want to be honest.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you so much my lungs have forgotten how to breathe.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Some poets write pages upon pages because their hearts have a song to sing and their melodies cannot be contained in a single stanza… and I find myself typing out a quote because my soul is still gasping for breath, and all the words form a single sentence: I miss us.”

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Whenever I start feeling sad cause I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love you every day. And now I will miss you every day
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Everything around me makes me miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I never want to miss a day without you”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I must admit I miss you terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s when I’m standing six feet away from you and not being able to find the words to tell you how much I love you and how much I miss you that I want to just scream to the whole room that I’m still in love with you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of Longing, the lover’s whisper, irresistible – magic to make the sanest man go mad
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you so much your absence causes me, at times, accute pain.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss your fragrance, sometimes I miss it this much that I can clearly smell you in the air.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“As we enter the path of transformation, the most valuable thing we have working in our favor is our yearning.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“There’s nothing like that feeling of waiting for a guy. It’s the loneliest feeling in the world. Holding that cell phone in your hand as you take out the trash, use the bathroom, change the litter box. Fearful that the one second you aren’t looking will be when they call.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know how devastated you must be to miss me, but leave a message, and I’ll try to ease your agony.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Definition of a long-distance relationship: Inconveniently the most effective way to find out if you really love each other.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Maybe all you need to pull you back from the edge is to know someone would miss you if you fell.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The simple lack of her is more to me than others’ presence.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I have a brain to think of you. Eyes to look at you. Heart to love you. Hands to comfort you. Toes to walk with you. Mouth to say I miss you and feet to kick you, if you don’t miss me too
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I really miss you, but probably not as much as you miss me, I’m pretty awesome
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“To want and not to have, sent all up her body a hardness, a hollowness, a strain. And then to want and not to have- to want and want- how that wrung the heart, and wrung it again and again!”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The longing for sweets is really a yearning for love or “sweetness.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I miss you like an idiot misses the point.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Your absence has gone through me, Like thread through a needle, Everything I do is stitched with its color.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I wanna write ” I miss you” on a rock and throw it at your face so you know how much it hurts to miss you.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In French, one does not say I miss you, they say “Tu me manques” which means “You are missing from me.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I always keep myself busy with something but every time I pause, I start thinking about you. I just love you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is the heart’s way of telling that you love that person
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Have you ever missed someone so much that you started feeling physically sick
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you whenever I’m breathing
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The hardest thing in the world is not talking to someone you used to talk every day
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Cute I miss you texts
for my sister

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know you are far away and still I think of you each passing day. I am so sad because of your absence dear sister, the days go by and nothing is the same without you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love my sister, she is simply amazing and I just couldn’t imagine my life without her…
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I so want you to be achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams wherever you are. I am proud of you, I will be waiting here with open arms for you when you return home
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You were gone a long time and I want to hug you and kiss you so much before I go to bed. Every moment you are in my thoughts. I wish to have you back soon
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Do you remember when we went for a walk and had a delicious ice cream? I do miss those walks, but I need your hugs even more
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I just hope that you are well. Hopefully you will soon get used to being in those places away from home. Here we still miss you very much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am always thinking about you, even if you are away. Let us know how you are, how you feel and if you need anything all the time
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am always thinking of you and even if we communicate every day, it is not the same, I want you to be here with us again
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It has been almost a month since you traveled and I feel that one year has already gone by. It will be very hard to go three years without you. I miss you and I love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every day that passes I always pray for you, I pray to the Lord so that he takes good care of you and makes you happy. We are always thinking of you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am very happy when I think you are actually making your dream of becoming a professional come true in another country, but inevitably I fail to tell you that I do really miss you and that every day you are in my thoughts
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are not with us I feel something is missing and I wish that you never forgot about us, you know that we are always aware of what happens to you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Precious sister, I hope everything turns out as you had planned. You know I love you and that I feel your absence very much
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Dear sister, I hope you are very happy. Always remember us, I hope you are back soon because we miss you very much
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It seems that time does not go by in the house and that there is no more joy since you left. But knowing that you are doing well and that you are happy makes us glad. I am counting the days until your return, I love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sister I love you and I only wish that you are doing fine. I always remember you and pray for you. Be very careful in everything you do
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

With each passing day my thoughts are always with you. I always ask God to protect you and send you back as soon as possible
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

While I am very happy that you are making your dreams come true, I cannot help being sad because I miss you very much. I always remember you and I want everything to be as you want.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am so sorry about your absence. Nothing is the same without you here. Every day I count the days until you are coming back so that we can share our whole day together.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life is full of happiness and I am truly content
But somewhere deep down I know something is missing
It's the days that I spent with you my sister
Those were the days, which I truly miss
I wish that time takes me back in life
So that I can spend more time with you
My lovely sis...I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The relationship that we shared was truly strong
I felt so proud of your achievements
I was happy that to me you belonged
Life is not the same since the time you are far away
I do not have many words to say except that I am missing
You..Yes my lovely sister..I am missing you today
As you are always a special part of my life
I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don't gossip any more my lovely sis
And time is just not the same without you
I miss those conversations of the night
I miss those silly sights
Life was fun when you were around me
I had all the love that I could feel
My sister I am truly missing you this day
Hope you would be with me to stay
I miss you each day!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Since the time you have left this house
There is a void in my heart which I can feel
My sister things are not the same without you
I feel so restless and there is nothing left to do
You were my smile in the darkness of life
And you were my inspiration to strive
My lovely sis I am missing you so much
You love for me was such!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You used to hold me tight on fear
I knew that you were always near
The first one to stay in my heart
And you never ever were apart
You were my life's most important part
I miss you so much my lovely sister
As today I realize what you meant to me
You are so special for me!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know you are far from where I see
But for me you are there with me
To guide me along the way and through
To tell me what I must do
A sister like you is like a blessing in life
So many times, you have sacrificed
To see my smiling face my sis
I miss you so much my sis
Your lovely charm and loving grace!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am strong and you also know it
But sometimes I get a little weak
When I think about you my lovely sis
It hits me that our love was so good
How we used to be for each other all the time
But staying together was not destined
Still I miss being with you
I really love you and miss you
My lovely sis!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A tear came rolling down my eyes
When I thought about you my sister
I thought about all the good times that I spent
I thought about the way you cared for me
Life is certainly not the same
Whenever I hear your pretty name
I miss you more than ever
I wish thoughts could be as they were!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I was just looking at old pictures of yours
And I realized that how much I missed you
All this while...we have had the best times
Of our life with each other my pretty sis
I just wish that you stay happy wherever you are
Sealed with my lovely Kiss
But I truly miss being with you my sis
Wish things could change in life!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Ah! I had such a good childhood being next to you
But life does not always have to be this way
You had a road to choose my sister
And I also had my own reason to stay
But I miss you for not being here
I miss you more each day my dear
And I promise that we shall meet soon
I love you my pretty sis!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It seems time heals all the sorrow
And life does not always remain the same
But it's not the case with me
Coz I still cry hearing your name
I still miss your loving and caring ways
I still miss your concern for me
I still miss you my lovely sister
And I mean every word to see!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I really feel the guilt of not talking to you
I feel guilty of not messaging you
But when I sit and reflect things my sis
I see that I still miss you
And this won't be long until I meet you again
I will tell you how I really feel without you
I miss you so much my dear sister!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sisters like you are a blessing in life
Without you, my sister there is no life
I was totally dependent on you for things
I was totally dependent on you for my smile
I am missing you so much my sister
From the time you have been away and while
I am truly missing you so much
Your love was so caring and such!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

So many moments I have had with you
That I can cherish it in my life and through
The golden moments that we spent
And the way you used to pretend
Now that you are far way
I remember each word you used to say
I miss you so my sister my life
You were my sunshine in the dark
I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I have to confess that we used to fight
I have to confess that we used to tease each other
But I have to confess this to you oh dear
When you were there I had no fear
I knew there was someone to protect me
I miss you so much my dear sister
I mean each word when I say this
I truly miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We were so inseparable in life
We had so many things similar and alike
I miss each second that I had spent with you
I miss you each day and night
Feeling empty for not having you besides
My lovely sister I miss you so much
My sis lets meet pretty soon..I miss you so much!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A sister is a person who is always there for you
No matter the world goes against you
She is there to support you in the blue
She makes you smile when you are sad
She stays with you when your times are bad
Oh I miss all the classy moments I had
With you my lovely sister..Coz you mean so
Much to my life and me
I miss you so much my pretty sis!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A life without sister is like balloon without air
You know that concern and care is always there
You do not speak your mind coz she understands
You do not say anything but she stands
She is the sunlight in the darkness
She is that bright light of your life
I miss you so much my lovely sis
As life is not the same without you
I truly miss you!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the first friend I have in life
You are my first companion in my strive
The first person I confess things to
The first one is disclose my feelings to
My sisters as you are not there with me
I am really feeling restless and blue
I want that you come back pretty soon
Life is a mess without you
My lovely sis I so miss you!
Missing You Messages for Sister
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is not in my hands
Destiny has created this bond for us
You and me were like chalk and cheese
But still you were like my bestie
I miss you so much my dear sister
As without you its everything that I miss
I miss everything without you..I miss you!
Missing You Messages for Sister

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am very happy when I think you are actually making your dream of becoming a professional come true in another country, but inevitably I fail to tell you that I do really miss you and that every day you are in my thoughts.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Doesn’t matter how much you hate her for wearing your favorite pink dress, but when she will be away, you’ll miss her every time you look at that dress.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Who needs a friend, when you have a sister, right? You’ll miss having the late night delicious maggi (that she is best at making) and gossip sessions with her
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Relationship with your sister in law is sweet and friendly. You share your secrets with your sister in law and she also takes care of you like her own sister. A cute miss you message to your sister-in-law brings back all those sweet moments you have spent together.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am searching you in my joy; I am searching in my sorrow. My gossip remains secret without you. You love me, you scold me, you give me every caring and I give a big thank to my brother to give me such a sweet sister-in-law like you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“By relation, though you are sister for me, but in my life, you are my love expert, career counselor, travel guide, money bank, fashion adviser and a true supporter. Thank you for being so sweet sister and I miss you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know you are far away from me, but I also know when a smile comes and tear rolls down, we will stay together to share our emotions. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Do you know why I love you so much? Because you are my wings to fly, you are my strength to go ahead, you are my happiness to smile, and you are my inspiration to win. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the one who holds me tight when I feel afraid, you are the one who makes me right, when I make any mistake. You are my sister who scolds me in wrong, but loves me always. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our relationship is strong no matter where we are. Our heart feels the feeling of each other because God connects us by heart. I miss you and I know you miss me too
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Though we are in a better place where we can have everything, but I have a vacant place in my heart and you are only one person who can stay there.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“Without you, there is no let night gossip, there is no false excuse, there is no game in rest and there is no stealing of my chocolates. I miss you my sister.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Friendship is the wonderful thing that makes every life fun-loving and happy; you are my friend and very close to my heart, you scold me in mistake and praise me in success, but never lose faith in me. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We argued a lot, but we agreed too, we fought a lot, but loved too; it is our relation of friendship full with each emotion of love; the life today misses something that is you my friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I had a time when everyone left me behind, but you were not; you supported me when no one was there. You are my true friend in need and indeed. I miss you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

This friendship I cherish till my last breath; when you smile I feel happy, when you cry, I feel sad, it is the connection of our heart. Though you are miles away, but you are always in my heart. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No distance can break our friendship that is made of love and joy; no matter how far you are, I know you are always with me in both my pain and gain. It is true that I miss you now.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life with you is beyond what I expect; when you around, the day becomes more glowing, the evening becomes more romantic and the night becomes more loving. But without you, life fades its color of love. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love you is the truth of life and no matter wherever we are, we always stay close by our heart. Though we are away, but it does not matter as long as it is counted in miles, not in love. I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I take you in my arms, I feel the world is around me; when you lean down your head on my shoulder, I can leave my all worry behind. You are the reason of my smile and I want to share my each emotion with you. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some miles we crossed together, but we have a long way to go; in this journey, you never feel alone and don’t let me go; I want to be always with you in bad and good and I love you always and forever.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

God made you for me to make me perfect, to make my life wonderful. There is no other place is as beautiful as your heart, so keep me there forever. Your smile is the most expensive gift for me, so keep smiling. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some miles come in between us, but our love is strong enough to cross any hurdles that come our way; it is true you are away, but I can see your smiling face in my close eyes. Keep smiling for me. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Everyone says love changes the life, but for me it is you; everyone says love makes you happy, but for me, it is you who make me wonderful; without you is worth dying. Never let me alone. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some miles we have crossed together, but many miles are yet to go; it is true, I am away from you, but look inside, you can feel me in your heart. I will always be with you and I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

For me, you are like a star, too near and too far; I can see you, even in the darkness of my close eyes, but when I open it, you disappear somewhere. I miss you very much, but soon I make you my own again
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life with you is more than awesome; though the time makes us apart, but I have faith in our love that brings us close again. Our past is golden and now we together make our future bright. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are not my around, but you are always with me; you stay miles away, but I feel you in my heart. It is true, I miss you a lot, but I know you do the same. I am waiting for you and miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Take me in your arms and never let me go; give me a tight hug and promise being together always and forever. I wish I could be there with you, but I know one day it turns true. Miss you and love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Memories are with me, but you are not; why it happens, the people, we cannot live without, we live without; I feel bad, but the love is the same as it was; though you are away, but in my thought you are with me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The words are not enough to express my feelings for you; staying away without you is the toughest thing that I have ever done in my life; I want to share my pain, I want to share my smile; I miss you dear
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The only thing I want to say I love you always and forever. It is true the distance comes in between, but the love we share remains untouched. Without you, it hurts me in my heart and only your love can heal it. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Though we are away, but feel me, I am near to your heart; distance makes me crazy to meet you soon, but I miss you my dear. Don’t feel alone, I am always with you in your love. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life without you is worth dying, so never let me alone. You are the reason of my smile and my life, it is true, I am miles away from you, but nothing can lessen my love for you. It remains the same as it was. Miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In my dream you come in, but you are not there when I open my eyes; I can feel you in my heart, but I cannot touch you and take you in my arms. Miss you so much, but the time is not too far when I make you my own again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are not around, but the memories we spent never let me alone. It is true that I miss you, but I know very soon we stay together ever after. Till then, never forget to smile, it is my reason to live. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some miles make us away, but we are not apart by heart. I feel the emptiness in my life, but I am not alone in love. You are always there with me in my pain and gain, but it is true when I look around, I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are not with me and I miss you a lot; you are the reason of my living and it is impossible to live without your love; it is true, some distance makes us apart, but by heart, we are always together. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love you because it makes me happy and relieves my all pain; I love you because it is the source of my joy and happiness. No matter wherever we are, our love remains the same. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know I have lots of moments spent together which make me smile in your absence, but when I want to smile, I look my side and do not find you; it makes me sad again. I will meet you soon, but miss you now.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Loving you is the only thing that I can do throughout my life without feeling tired, even not for a while. Don’t let me alone, as without you, it is worth dying. In my dream and in my smile, it is you who prevails always. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No one can replace you as you are just more than the best for me; though distance comes in between us, but no one can break the bonding of love that we shared always. I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It is very difficult to spend a second without you; as I cannot give myself a hug when I am in pain, I cannot scold myself when I do wrong; I miss your gentle touch that heals my any wounds. Mom I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Mom, you don’t know how much I miss you; all those things that annoyed me in the past, I miss them a lot; your scolding and all those thousands name you call me; I wish I were with you always. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My mom is no less than a magician, who can drive out my tears only with her touch, who can heal the pain only with a hug and who gives me the courage only with her hope. You are the greatest magician in the world. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you mom as I cannot handle myself on my own; I cannot support myself in worse; I need you always; I miss your lovely voice that makes me believe in myself. Soon I will be with you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All those moments that we have spent together crowd in my mind and take me back in the past. I cannot be like you, because you are only the one God made for me. I make my all dream true and I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am not around you, but don’t be upset, just close your eyes; I am sure, you can see me even in the dark. The love is blind, so are the lovers like you and I. Miss you and love you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I could be there to take you in my arms, I wish I could be there to listen to your gossip, but it is true, we meet you very soon. Till then, be happy and keep smiling, sometimes even without reason. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you my dear, as you are away from me and too far. The memories give me company in your absence, but it is not enough to shade off my pain. I really miss you, please meet me soon and make your own. Love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Staying away from you is tough, but as long as we have trust in each other, nothing can come in between our love; I miss your smile, I miss your love, but keep all things safe for me and when I meet, I will take those back.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The partner like you never makes me feel blue, but sometimes I feel emptiness in life when you are away and I miss you. I have no solution to heal it, if you know something, let me know, I am waiting. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I could not imagine life without friends; it is just like joy without a smile; happiness without fun; pain without any relief; I am lucky that I have one who never make me feel alone, but today I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I could not imagine life without friends; it is just like joy without a smile; happiness without fun; pain without any relief; I am lucky that I have one who never make me feel alone, but today I miss you...
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All those cheering days are gone, the days we spent in fun and joy; the fake stories, sweet lies and spices gossip took goodbye from us. I wish the life would be the same forever. I miss you my friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Class banking, sweet game in fun times all make our past full of the golden moments. Today we are apart for the work, but when the smile comes and tears rolling down, I miss you by my side.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life is beautiful and has many colors in it, but the friendship is the color in itself that paint our life with joy, happiness and smile. I miss you so much in my heart and I am sure one day we meet again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Friend is the happiness in success, friend is the supporter in the worse, friend is the counselor in confusion and friend is a guide and a philosopher for the life. I really miss you and my mind says for a reunion.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My bother did the best thing in life when he welcomed you and I got a friend within you; the fun and joy we cherished took a special place in mind. I am away, but those memories always remind me of yours. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are more like a friend than my sister in law; I have shared my secret, my gossip without any doubt; today I am away and my all secrets remain secret as you are not with me to share those. I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How we became friends within a few days, I don’t know, but we made some beautiful memories together. Staying away from you makes me sad, as there is no one to express my thoughts. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You scold me when I do wrong, you praise me in my success; you cheer loud in my joy and you always support me, no matter what comes. You are my sister in law, but you are also my friend, philosopher and guide. Miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You trust me, even after I fall; you give me courage, even after I lost my confidence. You stand by me always and make me able to fight the race again. Thank you, but being away from you makes me sad. I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you a lot, though you are too far, but not too away from my heart. The love we shared remains the same till my last breathe. But it is true when I feel joy and pain, I really miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are around, life seems more than perfect; the success has the loud cheer, in the pain, I feel the relief with your touch, but you are miles apart, life starts fading the color. Come back soon and make it colorful again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Without you, no fun in life, no joy in the smile, only the darkness of pain exists in the life. You are the sunshine who can drive out the black shades of color with the smile. I miss you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Soon we will be together and nothing can make us apart. I know the distance comes in between us, but don’t let it come in between the hearts. I will be always with you in your pain and smiles
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I could be there with you to share my each emotion of life with you; in my dream you always come and sometimes I just want to make all those true, one day it will happen for sure, but till then I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you a lot, though you are too far, but not too away from my heart. The love we shared remains the same till my last breathe. But it is true when I feel joy and pain, I really miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are around, life seems more than perfect; the success has the loud cheer, in the pain, I feel the relief with your touch, but you are miles apart, life starts fading the color. Come back soon and make it colorful again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Without you, no fun in life, no joy in the smile, only the darkness of pain exists in the life. You are the sunshine who can drive out the black shades of color with the smile. I miss you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Soon we will be together and nothing can make us apart. I know the distance comes in between us, but don’t let it come in between the hearts. I will be always with you in your pain and smiles.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I could be there with you to share my each emotion of life with you; in my dream you always come and sometimes I just want to make all those true, one day it will happen for sure, but till then I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you a lot, though you are too far, but not too away from my heart. The love we shared remains the same till my last breathe. But it is true when I feel joy and pain, I really miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are around, life seems more than perfect; the success has the loud cheer, in the pain, I feel the relief with your touch, but you are miles apart, life starts fading the color. Come back soon and make it colorful again
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Without you, no fun in life, no joy in the smile, only the darkness of pain exists in the life. You are the sunshine who can drive out the black shades of color with the smile. I miss you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Soon we will be together and nothing can make us apart. I know the distance comes in between us, but don’t let it come in between the hearts. I will be always with you in your pain and smiles.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I could be there with you to share my each emotion of life with you; in my dream you always come and sometimes I just want to make all those true, one day it will happen for sure, but till then I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It is true that our way of life is apart, but some emotions still exist in the heart; I don’t know what time it takes to forget you, but the more I want to forget, the more I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We are away from each other, but why my mind keeps some memories in safe that we have spent together; I don’t know what it will take to wipe out those, but until that, I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Staying apart is easy, but no thinking of you, is very difficult; I have tried so many things to make myself away from my past, but when I feel the silence around me, you come into my dream always. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

What I should say to my heart to forget you? How can I stop my eyes to cry? My heart beats for you, even we are apart. Hope wherever you are, you find what you desire, but I always miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I give you a place in my heart, but today it is vacant and it remains the same as no one can replace you. Time is running, so are we, but the love for you is the same as it was in the past. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are lots of things that make me smile, make me cheer, but some reasons are still there to make me cry as I miss you by my heart. It is true, you are not with me anymore, but I always miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I give you a special place in my life and though our path is separated, but the place only belongs to you. I wish, wherever you are, you will be happy and joyful, but I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart remains the same as you left; no one can replace you, at least not in this life. I wish as you went, you could take those all memories along. You make me alone, but our past always crowd in my mind. Miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We went apart, but when the evening comes I miss you by my side always. I did not remember for which we go away, only a hope I cherish is one day you come back in my life. I miss you,
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes what we desire remains unfulfilled and times do not fall into as we plan; I broke up with you in such a situation, but I love you as the same way I did. Staying apart from you is hurting. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

From nursery to college, you are with me; I experienced the life with you from the very beginning; we are the friend from when we hardly knew the meaning of friendship, but today we are not together and I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Something were alike that made us friends, but as the time goes, we discover many similarities we have with each other; I know you miss me the same way I do, but we meet again and bring those past back in life soon. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Smiles and tears, joy and fear, we have cherished together; praising in success, scolding in mistake were all there, but now you are not by my side and I have only the emotions of missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Lots of arguments and lots of fighting, but nothing can break our friendship. Sometimes I made you angry and sometimes it was you, but the love we shared remains the same always and I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A friend like you have many roles to play, as a love expert in heartbreak, guide in confusion, supporter in worse and many more. The past is far better than today as you were with me then. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My dear sister, I know you feel more relaxed now as I am not there to make you annoyed. But I am sure you miss me now, as you get bored without making any shout. I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every morning I get up without any disturbance and it makes me sad and reminds me of you. I wish if you were with me and I never say anything when you make noise to wake me up. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our path is separated, but our love is same, I miss you from my heart when the joy and tear comes; the loud cheer and shouting, we together made, all are missing in my life today. I miss you so much
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am away from your nonsense jokes, from your unusual wishes, from your meaningless creativity, but all those now make me happy. I miss you so much and I wish I would never apart from you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our silent fight, our cold arguments, our emotional complains and our secrets all make my past golden. But for the present, I miss you. If the life would be the same forever, we were always together. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I cannot hold myself to miss you, I have no choice other than visiting the memory lane and enjoy our past moments that we spent together. I want to live with you in real, not in my dream. I miss you my dear.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I am not the same as I was when you are with me; now my smile fades color, my eyes full of tears and my arms search your hug. I am incomplete with you. Miss you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No distance can make us apart, because our relationship is made by God. You are in my heart and your thought makes me smile and gives me the reason of life. I want to be with you always.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish to have you here with me to give me a tight hug and make me special. I wish to spend my each moment with you to enjoy the life. Love you and miss you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t need many things to express my feeling and the only thing I want say that I love you today and always. I don’t need more words to let you know my emotions being away from you; one thing I want to say I miss you with my heart.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My dear sister, I know you feel more relaxed now as I am not there to make you annoyed. But I am sure you miss me now, as you get bored without making any shout. I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My dear sister, I know you feel more relaxed now as I am not there to make you annoyed. But I am sure you miss me now, as you get bored without making any shout. I miss you so much.....
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every morning I get up without any disturbance and it makes me sad and reminds me of you. I wish if you were with me and I never say anything when you make noise to wake me up. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our path is separated, but our love is same, I miss you from my heart when the joy and tear comes; the loud cheer and shouting, we together made, all are missing in my life today. I miss you so much
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am away from your nonsense jokes, from your unusual wishes, from your meaningless creativity, but all those now make me happy. I miss you so much and I wish I would never apart from you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our silent fight, our cold arguments, our emotional complains and our secrets all make my past golden. But for the present, I miss you. If the life would be the same forever, we were always together. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t need many things to express my feeling and the only thing I want say that I love you today and always. I don’t need more words to let you know my emotions being away from you; one thing I want to say I miss you with my heart.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish to have you here with me to give me a tight hug and make me special. I wish to spend my each moment with you to enjoy the life. Love you and miss you.”

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No distance can make us apart, because our relationship is made by God. You are in my heart and your thought makes me smile and gives me the reason of life. I want to be with you always
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I am not the same as I was when you are with me; now my smile fades color, my eyes full of tears and my arms search your hug. I am incomplete with you. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I cannot hold myself to miss you, I have no choice other than visiting the memory lane and enjoy our past moments that we spent together. I want to live with you in real, not in my dream. I miss you my dear.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I wish to have you here with me to give me a tight hug and make me special. I wish to spend my each moment with you to enjoy the life. Love you and miss you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Right now I am away from you, but once I meet you, I take you in my arms and never let you go; but please for me, shed off your weight so it will be easier for me to pick you up. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

[URL]I know you feel relief as I am away and there is no one who makes you annoyed the way I do, but very soon I will be back again, I know you miss me too, and reading this make you annoyed more. I miss you.[/URL]
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The only fall that makes me happy, instead of giving me the pain is when I have fallen in love with you; since then you have changed my life and make it beautiful. I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life with you is beyond what I expect; whatever happens in my life is extreme; we fight at the top level, we argue so much, but we love more than anything else. I wish the rest of the life remains the same. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life with you is beyond what I expect; whatever happens in my life is extreme; we fight at the top level, we argue so much, but we love more than anything else. I wish the rest of the life remains the same. Miss you...
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t know how to express my feelings for you; but one thing I want to say I love you today and always. No matter what the distance comes, but I will be always there with you with the hearts and love. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The days we spent together were the golden days of life; in nonsense jokes and useless gossip, we have passed so many years together. Today we have time, but it is of no use, I wish you were there with me to make fun again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The journey we crossed together was amazing, where there are lots of smiles and cries. But what made us friend was facing the hard times together in the life, I must say the failures met us and we became true friends.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The life without you is just like gossip without spice, entertainment without cheer and fun without laugh; that means you add an edge to my every joy and my dear friend I miss you a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our friendship is just like the stars that are always in the sky, but sometimes you can see and sometimes cannot. Today we are miles away, but our friendship remains the same as it was. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We are away from each other, I cannot hear you, cannot see your sight, but I feel you or even I can ride back the memories of the past. Without you, it seems time just stops, so does everything in the world.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Many love stories are there in the world, but ours are the sweetest among all. You know the sweetest thing in you is, you never say enough when I say one thing at least thousand times. Love you and miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the perfect partner, I have; though you promise you never let me alone, but you do, though you promise to share every emotion with me, but you forget; still I love you and love you forever
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Why you go away, I don’t know; but I know you come back soon as you are incomplete without me; I love you is the only truth of life, but please end this waiting and take me in your arms. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may get lots of partners better than me, but you are the first and the last one in my life, I want to share my love; you understand me, you even know my silence. I miss you very much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may get lots of partners better than me, but you are the first and the last one in my life, I want to share my love; you understand me, you even know my silence. I miss you very much.:blink:
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sharing life with me is not that easy, but I congratulate you that you dare to attempt and succeed. Be with me always in my side and in my mind. Though miles come in between, but nothing can stop me loving you. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Do you know why I love you so much? Because you are my wings to fly, you are my strength to go ahead, you are my happiness to smile, and you are my inspiration to win. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the one who holds me tight when I feel afraid, you are the one who makes me right, when I make any mistake. You are my sister who scolds me in wrong, but loves me always. I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

As you are not here with me, I feel like a big part of me is missing. I cannot wait to get reunited with you. I love you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are present in every single one of my thoughts. I hope to see you pretty soon as I miss you way too much, dear.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

As you are not here with me, I feel like a big part of me is missing. I cannot wait to get reunited with you. I love you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is just like breathing air, you can’t live without it. I hope you are doing well. Sending you warm wishes. I love you so much.

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Time flies when you are with me and on the other hand, time stops when you are not with me. I miss you so much. Love you tons.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Miles and distance don’t matter at all but all I want to say is that from the bottom of my heart, I miss you every moment of the day.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Everything that reminds me of you makes me miss you a little bit more than the ever. I hope you miss me like I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Strings attached and never letting go was our promise. Today, we are living miles away but always on each other’s hearts. I miss you so much my love.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Those priceless memories are the witness of our epic bond. Every time I go through my phone’s gallery- I miss you more than you can imagine.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The only good part about missing is that I go back to our old days and I can rewind and replay all of them in my head just relive them.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Being away from you has made me think about you more than I used to. I hope you are doing great and miss me more than I do.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I am not with you, I am just like a puzzle with lots of missing pieces – incomplete. Come and feel me! I love you so much
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is nothing more painful than missing you and not being able to see you. Hope to have you around soon. Take my love and warm wishes.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you and not being able to see you is the ugliest feeling ever. I will miss you until you back.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart and my mind miss you dearly. Hope you are doing fine.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you with every beat of my heart. Please come to me and help me find myself again.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you hundreds of times more than you could ever miss me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you every moment you are not around me and I am not lying.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart feels alone when you are not beside me. Come back soon, dear.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you with my heart and soul, dear. Please meet me as soon as possible.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you more than I loved you and I miss you like the deserts miss the rain.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Hey, my dear beloved! I am really missing the warmth of your touch and the love of your heart, babe. I miss you so much my sweetheart.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are not around me, I feel surrounded with 10x more problems than usual and all the difficulties and misfortunes cripple my heart. You truly are my savior.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you and your hugs- they way you smile, the way you look at me. Being in a crazy love is really tough, I feel it in my bones now.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Whenever you are not around, I feel down and nothing feels right. I miss you, my love. Meet me soon, darling.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Being in love with you makes everything worth living for, and not being with you makes everything worthless. Miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Without you, nothing feels right dear. Please come back soon and add colors to my life and make it magical. I love you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but for real, I need you to keep all my problems away. Missing you, dear.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every time I miss you, I go through our conversation and cannot help but smile like an idiot. I love you so much, my dear.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All the moments we spent together will forever be stored in my mind, no matter how far we are. I will always hold onto you, my dear friend, miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thank you for always being the one I can rely on no matter what. I just miss you more than I can express. Hope you are doing well, friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I could cast a spell that will bring you back to me right now and enjoy every split of a second with you, dear friend. I miss you more than you do.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I did three things today; miss you, miss you, and miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean and the beat in my heart… I Miss You…
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I pretend to ignore you, but I really just miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart never knew loneliness until you went away. I’m missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I miss you it seems every song I listen to is about you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There’s not a single moment in the whole day when I don’t miss you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thinking of you every; second, minute, hour, day, is medication to my illness of missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My first thought in the morning is always you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I only miss you when I’m breathing.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I were kissing you instead of missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may be out of my sight… But never out of my mind… I Miss You!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. I might not always show it, might not always tell people, but on the inside I miss you like crazy.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have; I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I feel bad when you miss me, I feel sad when you don’t.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

MISSING someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Without you here, the sun forgets to shine.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s true we don’t know what we’ve got until its gone, but we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

To me you are my rose; every day when I see a beautiful rose I think of you, and miss you, and hope to hold you in my arms.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct it’s light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Emptiness isn’t loneliness; it’s the missing of you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you can turn from pain to pleasure if I knew you were missing me too.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t want you to know, so I try to be strong. I don’t want you to think that without you, I can’t go on. But that’s how it is, and that’s how it will be, because, Baby, I love you, I need you, I miss you, and without you, there’s just no me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you think missing me is hard, you should try missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Tonight I resign myself to missing you for I know I have the rest of my life to wake up next to you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If every drop of rain was a thought of you, I’d have every storming cloud in the world inside my head and I’d still miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Remembering you is easy I do it everyday; but missing you is a heartache that never goes away.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I think I would miss you even if I’d never met you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is the kind of hurt a heart should be thankful to feel.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A day without you is always incomplete.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Let go of the world & simply be, mine.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

One day I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you’re not here something’s missing; my smile.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It took a while to understand what love is, but it’ll take forever to forget what it was like.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Where my head rests isn’t where my thoughts lay.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I hate missing someone and not being able to do anything about it.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I feel like an idiot for missing you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Many thoughts many memories just for one person.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A day without you is like a day without sunshine… I miss you!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I see your smile, and I know it’s not for me, that’s when I’ll miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I close my eyes I see you. When I open my eyes I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Dear bestie, my days don’t just seem right without you here in them. And I need you and I miss you. Please, come back soon!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thank you for being a good friend and for popping out whenever I needed you to be. I miss hanging out with you, meet me soon. Love you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Dear bestie, my days don’t just seem right without you here in them. And I need you and I miss you. Please, come back soon!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You gave my boring life a new meaning ever since I had met you, dear friend. I wish to see you soon because everything seems meaningless here without you. Miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish I could cast a spell that will bring you back to me right now and enjoy every split of a second with you, dear friend. I miss you more than you do.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thank you for always being the one I can rely on no matter what. I just miss you more than I can express. Hope you are doing well, friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All the moments we spent together will forever be stored in my mind, no matter how far we are. I will always hold onto you, my dear friend, miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you comes in waves. Tonight I’m drowning.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

And yet I want to be human; I want to be thinking of him because then I feel he is alive somewhere, if only in my head.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t miss you and you alone, I miss you and me together.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I could’ve sworn I was telling the truth when I told you I didn’t miss you.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You know you really miss someone when you crave something so simple such as the sound of their voice.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your smile… Your hair… Your cute eyes… Your cute cheeks… I miss all of you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Why did you come to me when you had to leave!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m really missing that day when you used to see me and do smile for no reason
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

LOVE – Nobody can understand what is the actual meaning of this word
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are not missing someone special coz you don’t have a heart
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can’t let my eyes away from my phone… Don’t know when you call me & I didn’t receive
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I lost myself when I saw you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

All I miss is your presence in my life.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Girls will never change, they all are heartless.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You will only get what exactly you do to me
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Now I have very few chances left for you… Don’t worry your time is near.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You have to trust me or you’ll have to miss me.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Relationships: Takes time to build trust and take a second to break.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No one loves me as you did…!!! Please come to me I really miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your memories never let me sleep. At least tell me the solution to this disease.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every time my phone rings I think that’s you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone and you can’t even see her is the worst feeling
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you want to move on then “MOVE ON”, missing someone is not a part of it
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Break up is not for those who can’t stop missing
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I love the way you miss me when I am not near.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Now I am not only I, but I has also become We
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You used to tell me that you will never miss me if I’ll go somewhere… Now you will realize your actual loss.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

People can only give you hope but they will never understand your inner pain.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are not actually missing someone, you just think, are they missing you or not?
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No one is special in this world, you make them special by missing them
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s is better to say NO than break someone’s heart.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you is not a new thing for me.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If someone tries to keep you away then, it’s better to stay away.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Don’t force anyone to be in love with you.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even after all this mess I can’t forget you and miss you Every second of the Day.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you 86400 seconds in a day
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Forgiving someone is better than missing someone.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

People become special in your life and you don’t even know about it.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone status is the best way to express this feeling to the one you love
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can never forget the memories of our school time
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Friends are like stars, they are always there either you can see or not
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I will never get a friend like you… I miss you soo much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When you are missing your friend that means you love him a lot.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t have to miss you, you are on the Facebook I can call you, text you whenever I want.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Friends play an evil role in your life but still you love them
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I have to choose between you and my Gf then I will choose you because you are the only one who can set me up with another girl.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I have to choose between you and my Gf then I will choose you because you are the only one who can set me up with another girl.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t know you miss me or not but, I can definitely say that you miss our friendship
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I wish that time will never come to me when I will have to miss you in my thoughts
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Let them know if you are missing them badly.”
“I love you and that should be enough.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“After Breakup: Missing someone badly? Why? Who the hell is he? He should be nothing for you now.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I used to tell myself that you will never leave me alone but see… I was wrong and I am missing you right now
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Don’t be afraid of losing someone special if they really love you then, they will find a way to come back to you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“You don’t have the power to stop me from missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In French, you don’t really say “I miss you”, you say “Tu me manques” which means “You are missing from me.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.”
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you think missing me is hard, you should try missing you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. I might not always show it, might not always tell people, but on the inside I miss you like crazy.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean and the beat in my heart… I Miss You!
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you when something really good happens, because you are the one I want to share it with.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Some mornings still feel like the night before. I’m just waiting for the days I don’t miss you anymore.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Thinking of you every; second, minute, hour, day, is medication to my illness of missing you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I did three things today – miss you, miss you, and miss you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My heart never knew loneliness until you went away. I’m missing you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Can miles truly separate you from friend? If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I don’t cry because we’ve been separated by distance, and for a matter of years. Why? Because for as long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Waiting does not bother me, nor does the distance that is cropping up between us. All I want is a true commitment and to know that your heat will never change
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The distance maybe far and wide but my heart can cover them all. The space between us is so much more but you should know that I love you so
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Distance sometimes lets you know who is worth keeping, and who is worth letting go
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I’m with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Distance means so little when someone means so much
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Happy birthday! Thanks for all the fun times growing up. I would not be the same person today if it weren’t for you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. Not in some cheesy “Let’s hold hands and be together forever kind of way”. I just miss you, plain and simple. I miss your presence in my life. I miss you always being there for me. I miss you, best friend.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Distance means so little when someone means so much
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm & constant
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

No matter how far you manage to go, distance will never be able to erase those beautiful memories. There is so much goodness that we shared together.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are my best friend, the one I spent so many hours with, the one I will always miss.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo never let them go
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We will always be friends ’til we’re old and senile…then we can be new friends
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I will text you 50 times in a row and feel no shame. You’re my friend, you literally signed up for this
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I think we’ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If I had a single flower for every time I think of you, I could walk forever in my garden
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

As contraries are known by contraries, so is the delight of presence best known by the torments of absence
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

e Hakeekat Hai Kahee Khvaab To Nahee, Hame Koee Yaad Kare Aisee Ham Mein Koee Baat To Nahee, Phir Bhee Na Jaane Kyon Ehasaas Hua, Jaise Kisee Ne Yaad Kiya.. Kaheen Vo Aap To Nahee.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Jaadu Hai Teree Har Ek Baat Me, Yaad Bahut Aate Ho Din Aur Raat Me, Kal Jab Dekha Tha Maine Sapana Raat Me,tab Bhee Aapaka Hee Haath Tha Mere Haath Me.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life gives us many moments to enjoy with our friends, so we must be grateful and share beautiful friendship thoughts with them.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The company, support and joy that others give us is a great blessing sent from heaven itself, so why don’t dedicate cute messages to thank our friends?

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Bring a little joy to your friends, express your gratitude and share a message of optimism by posting nice friendship thoughts on your social networks.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Friendship is a very strong feeling that lives in our hearts and that will always encourage us to lend a helping hand to those who need it
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Many things change every day in the world, even in our hearts, what should never change is the importance we give to our friends
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It is easier to find happiness in the company of our friends with whom our fears and fears disappear and we can be ourselves.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Any sacrifice we make in the name of friendship will bring us a great reward that will be translated into happiness in our lives.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

We are all likely to make mistakes with our friends, but they will always be willing to forgive us and give us a chance to make things better
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A moment of sadness or happiness is perfect to share with our friends, they will always know how to make us feel good
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Before seeking advice from strangers, listen to your friends because they know you very well and want the best for you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Friendship is one of the most valuable treasures that we can find in this world and that we can enjoy in abundance without ever ending
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Any moment you dedicate to your friends will be a huge gain for you, you will receive happiness, gratitude and great moments to remember your whole life with joy
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our friends are not only able to dedicate words of encouragement to us in times of difficulty, they will also do everything necessary to help us
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is nowhere in our heart where we can hide our problems from true friends, they will always know that something is wrong and give us their support.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When friendship unites two people it doesn’t matter if time and distance get in the way, they will always remain good friends
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There is no obstacle large enough that we cannot overcome with the collaboration of our friends. Together we can do everything!
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you are about to give up and if you think you no longer have the strength to continue then your friends will come to your aid to help you stand up and win
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every time we make a new friend is a time to celebrate, great moments are about to reach our lives.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

In the heart we should always keep gratitude towards our friends because they have always done good things for us.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you reach out to a friend to help him stand up and move on, he will remember that noble gesture all his life and thank you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The passing of the years teaches us to be wiser and to discover that in friendship we can find endless moments of happiness
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

To be truly free we must enjoy life with our friends without any worry in our hearts.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Throughout our lives we will end up with a broken heart on more than one occasion, but we will seldom witness a lost friendship
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Even if your heart is broken, your friends will always have the ability to make you smile and help you continue on your path
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Our friends have not promised to accompany us in good and bad times, they are simply great people who give you an unconditional friendship
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A friend willing to listen to you and advise you at all times and places is the best life insurance you can find
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Never disregard the advice of your friends, it’s not about who is right, they just want the best for you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every hour of your life you have dedicated to your friends will leave you with good memories, anecdotes full of happiness that will accompany you forever
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If you have a friend who is going away and you will miss him so much, do not miss the opportunity to give him or her best wishes and also keep in touch via social networks such as facebook or twitter. Send him a message full of your feelings and express how much do you love and miss him.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I have been missing you all the time because you have been my friend and my good loyal confidant for so long, I love you and I expect you to come back quickly
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Your advice helped me to calm down in the most distressing moments and your support was the key to overcoming all the problems I had, I miss you, mate
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Every time I think of you I’m so sad because you are the person who I appreciate the most and I totally missing you, dear friend
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Only you stood by my side when I needed it the most while others refused me their support, I’d like you to be here again
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Getting out for a walk together was fun because I entertained beside you, faithful companion , you cannot imagine how much I miss you, I want you to return again, I will wait for you with a big surprise
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

That time that we spent all day was near the most memorable day we have lived, I would love you to be here again to entertain us again, I miss you mate.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You left away so many time ago and your going made me so sad. Now I remembered the moments together and gave me a lot of nostalgia. How am I not going to miss you if you’re a faithful companion
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

From you I have learned so much, dear friend. You showed me that all dreams can come true, since you left things have not been the same, I need to talk to you personally and tell you some things that have happened to me
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

The days pass by and make I miss you more every day. Every morning when I wake up I see the calendar and count the days until you can come back and stay here again
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Shopping in malls, attend dances, enjoy and chat boards are the activities that I miss the most to share with you. I assure you that when you get back things are going to be fantastic.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Life was more pleasant when you were here and we had fun. I really need you and want you back for live special moments.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You are my favorite companion and, even though you are absent, I have you in my thoughts in all the time. I miss you
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are many reasons why I miss you, but the most important of all is that you are the person with whom I can always count on, dear friend.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you like a fat girl misses cookies.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Hearing the words, “I miss you” from the right person is an amazing feeling.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you. The old you… The new one sucks.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I’m not sure what is worse: missing you, or pretending that I don’t.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss you so much, I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in 8 hours!
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can’t breathe without you. You leave me breathless when you’re with me. Who should adjust?
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Not sure if I miss you or I miss insulting you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may be out of my sight… But never out of my mind… I Miss You!
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Oh why u had to be so cute, it’s impossible to ignore you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I know that I love you because I miss you even when you’re just in the next room
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s a feeling of completion, of wholeness, and of things being the way that they should be
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Missing you isn’t what hurts. It’s knowing that I had you that’s killing me.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I knew that looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But I never knew that looking back on the laughs would bring tears.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I can’t help that I miss you and the person that I was when I was with you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Miss is a natural condition when someone feels lost and wants someone’s presence in the heart.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

A day spent away from you is a day that is not worth living.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There’s something wrong with my brain. It can’t stop thinking of you!
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart. I miss you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

My best friend has gone away.
No more will we laugh and play,
No more games and whispered secrets shared.
No more comfort knowing she cared
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Another month has come,
But you're still so far away.
You're always in my heart
Each and every day.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Last night I found exactly what I was looking for, and it made me cry.
I never expected such a large blow to my face, such an ache in my heart.
I bit back the tears that welled in my eyes, sitting here in front of my computer, reading what you had to say.
I'm sorry if I was ever the one who made you cry or ever made you feel the least bit blue.

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

So many memories of us growing up.
We were inseparable,
everyone called us the Bobsy twins.
We were so much alike

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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I hope you really know
How much I truly care
Because when I'm away from you
It's like something isn't there...
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

When this happens, it can be really saddening, especially when there’s fear of not knowing if your friendship will survive the distance or not
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Rather than just wonder, and feel sad that your friend is not with you, why not send messages to him/her, to express how you feel, and how much you love and miss him/her.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

There are many benefits of letting your friends know you miss them. It makes them know they are cherished, and the next time you get to be together, the time and moment are more valued.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

Is your dear friend away in college, on vacation, or you simply haven’t seen or communicated with him/her in a while?
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

If yes, you’ll find in this collection, unique quotes and messages you can send to your friend to communicate how much you miss them, and make them want to rush back home just to see you.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I just discovered the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone. And that’s, being far away from one’s dear friends. I miss you so much, dear.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It hurts that you’re not here, and I miss you. It hurts much more that I can’t do anything about it, and won’t get to see you anytime soon
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s at times like this, that I wish I had magical powers. I’ll have teleported myself right where you are. I miss you, dearie
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

You’ve been away for just a month, and it feels like a year already. I miss you so much dear, can’t wait for your return
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I couldn’t wait for you to go and stop disturbing and teasing me. But now that you’re away, I can’t wait for you to be back. I miss you, my beloved friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

It’s really unfair that I miss you so much, and can do nothing about it, but wait till the end of the year, before seeing you again.”
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

“I’ve just been sad and moody since you left. Only you can bring out the happy and playful side of me. I miss you, my dearest friend.
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I was wondering why I was hurting so much, and why my heart felt so heavy, then, I remembered I’ve not seen you in a long while. I miss you so much, my dear friend.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

How could you have gone without me? Don’t you know best friends are always meant to be together? Now, I miss you so much.
BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I won’t stop sending you ‘I miss you’ texts till you return. So, you can understand how much I really do
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[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss your thoughts, I miss your strength, I miss your love. God, it never ends. I miss your eyes, I miss your kiss, I miss our nights, nothing's like it.

BadshabthUser is not available now
[PM 172]
Rank : SMS ExperT
Status : VIP

I miss your hands,
I miss your face,
I miss your voice,
and what you'd say.
I miss your smile, I miss your arms, I miss your touch, so tender and warm

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